Happy 10th Birthday Enzo!

All about Mr. Enzo’s big 10th birthday! A few other family updates as well.

Today our amazing you man turned a decade old! It’s hard for Jessica and I to believe that our youngest is now in double digits, but we couldn’t be more proud of him, or thankful for everything he brings to our lives. Enzo is smart, funny, caring, and compassionate. He’ll do anything for his friends and family, sticks up for the ones he loves, and is always willing to share. He truly is a great kid in every sense.

Since his birthday fell on a weekday this year, Enzo’s primary birthday celebration was on Sunday with a bunch of his friends at Ninja Kidz. They had a blast bouncing on the trampolines, playing basketball, and eating pizza. Jessica and I did our best to keep up on the trampolines but now her back is sore and my knee keeps feeling like it’s about to give out. Getting old is so fun. Afterward, the kids came back to our house to play outside and enjoy a massive donut from Ronald’s.

Enzo with his friends at his 10th birthday party

On Saturday night, we all went out to dinner with Grandpa Rick and Debbie at a Mexican / Italian fusion restaurant in Las Vegas called Il Toro E La Capra. I’ve pointed it out to Jessica many times since moving here so it was great to finally get to check it out. Dinner was delicious and everyone had a good time. We have a funny picture of Enzo from his first birthday at a Mexican restaurant in Washington where he started crying from having to wear the sombrero. You can see at the end of this video how he makes the same crying face.

Enzo crying in a sombrero on his first birthday

Enzo has been keeping busy with a few different activities lately. In December he participated in a 3-week track and field course that met 3 times per week. He got to try every event, figure out which ones he liked the most, and participate in multiple track meets competing in those events. His favorites were the long jump, hurdles, and relay races. He had a lot of fun and our family enjoyed cheering him on during the track meets. More recently, Enzo is back in rock climbing classes at our local rec center every Monday night. He always comes home with a big smile on his face and we’re thinking about signing him up at an actual rock climbing gym if he sticks with it.

Tonight Enzo and I went to his first Vegas Golden Knights game. Not only was it his first NHL game, but it was his first time seeing a top-level professional sporting event in person. He has been to various minor league games before but this was his first time in the big leagues, and he had a blast. Jessica made a sign for him saying it was his first game and his birthday. Consequently, he and his sign made it onto the jumbotron not once, but twice. The people around us were so nice, giving him high fives and wishing him a happy birthday. He must have thanked me a hundred times but it was my pleasure. My thanks goes to him, and to my friend Tiko, who gave us the tickets. He originally invited me to the game with him, but when he remembered it was Enzo’s birthday, he offered both tickets so the two of us could go. Talk about a classy move from a great friend. Even though the Knights lost to the Stars in overtime, it was still a great night that we will never forget.

In other family news, we recently finalized some travel plans for this year. We’ll be spending Spring Break at Grandma and Grandpa Martin’s house in Colorado, just like we did last year. We all love going up there and there’s still plenty of snow in March, so that should be fun. We also just purchased our plane tickets for a week in Puerto Vallarta Mexico this May! We haven’t all been on a plane together since going to Disney World in 2021, and we’ve got a lot to celebrate this year. This Spring, Jessica and I will be celebrating our 15th anniversary, plus Jessica will be finishing up her Master’s program at UNLV, so we thought a nice trip like this was in order.

We thought about staying at a resort outside of town, but after talking it over as a family, everyone’s preference was to stay at a hotel in the city and have a more authentic experience. The plan is to stay in “Zona Romantica”, also known as Old Town, then go on various excursions. The kids get out of school on the Friday before Memorial Day, and we’re flying out the very next morning. We’re all very excited.

There was one bit of bad news that came about today which totally caught me by surprise. The company I’ve been working for over the past two months was purchased, and without notice, my job was gone. I was very upset to hear this because I liked my new job so much. There was zero indication this was coming and I was planning on being there long-term. The fact that it happened on Enzo’s 10th birthday made it even more strange and memorable. 

After getting over the shock of this news I immediately started a new job search by posting about my situation on LinkedIn and reaching out to as many recruiters and old co-workers as possible. Unlike my previous experience with this a few months ago, which was right before the holidays and in the middle of a presidential election, things are instantly looking much more promising. I can’t believe how many responses I have received in the past few hours. Searching for a job and going through interview cycles is never fun but hopefully, it won’t be too bad. It’s much easier this time of year and I’m already encouraged by all of the traction I’m getting. It’s certainly humbling though. After working in mega-corporate America for over a decade and never having to think about my employment status, this year has been tough.

On the brighter side, I’m excited to announce that I have accepted the role of head coach of Ava’s softball team. Our previous coach decided to move on and the position was offered to me. I gladly accepted and Ava was thrilled when she got the news. The season doesn’t start for a few more weeks but I’ve got coaches meetings and a draft to prepare for in the near future. We lost about half of our team, so it’s a rebuild, but I’m still very excited for the upcoming season and am already planning out some practices.

Everyone else is doing great, just cruising right along with school and work. We’re all excited about our upcoming trips, and I’m actually glad we made those plans before I got laid off because we probably wouldn’t have made them otherwise, but our family deserves this and everything is going to be fine. More importantly at the moment, we’re all so proud of Enzo and glad to be celebrating him. He’s as good as it gets and I’m lucky to be able to call him my son!

Enzo on the morning of his 10th birthday
Enzo opening birthday gifts
Enzo opening birthday gifts
Enzo opening birthday gifts
Michael and Enzo Pellegrini outside T-Mobile Arena - January 28 2025
Michael and Enzo Pellegrini at the Vegas Golden Knights Game - January 28 2025

Back to Busy for 2024

2024 is about to get very busy for us! Here’s an update on school activities, sports, Superbowl events, and more.

Winter is wrapping up quickly here in the desert and we suddenly find ourselves as busy as ever with events and activities. It looks like Tuesday will be our busiest day for the next few months, especially for Elise who has choir before school, Girls On The Run immediately after school, and then acting class after that! I am an assistant coach on Ava’s softball team and we have practices on Tuesday night as well, so our whole family will be running around on those days. In addition to the Tuesday night practices, we have practice or games on Saturdays, batting cage sessions on Sunday mornings, and we will eventually be playing games on Thursday evenings as well. For myself, baseball season is just getting started and I will soon be playing games on Sundays, so it’s safe to say I’ll be spending a ton of time around a baseball field this Spring. 

Regarding school activities, Elise and Enzo recently completed their annual APEX fun run. They had a blast doing it last year and were even more successful with their fundraising this year. Elise’s teacher set a very high goal for the classroom and said that there would be no more homework for the rest of the school year if they achieved this goal. Apparently, that was the right kind of motivation because they totally did achieve it! Enzo set a goal for himself on the day of the run to complete 100 obstacle courses and he ended up finishing just shy with 96. For comparison, the average number of completed courses for a kid was about 65.

With the girls being as busy as they are it means that Mr. Enzo will be running around a lot with Jessica and me from one activity to another. We’re trying to get him involved in something but haven’t had any luck so far. He loves playing football and basketball at school with his friends, plus we frequently shoot hoops at home in the backyard, but whenever we suggest getting onto a team he is totally against it. We’re not sure why he isn’t willing to put himself out there but it’s something we need to work on, otherwise he’s going to start missing out on too many things. He has already set a goal for himself to make it into the Middle School jazz band, which means he will follow Ava’s footsteps by joining the beginning band program during his first year, but that’s still a few years away so we need to focus on the nearer term for now.

Superbowl Activities

Since the Superbowl was in Las Vegas this month, we decided to take advantage as much as possible by attending some related activities. As mentioned in last month’s post, I wanted to keep up the tradition of taking Enzo to a sporting event for his birthday, so this year we attended the Superbowl’s Celebrity Flag Football game, which was held near our house at the Dollar Loan Center. Before the game, Enzo and I had dinner at Tacotarian, and he now insists that their plant-based fish tacos are one of his all-time favorite foods.

We arrived early and had fun checking out the items in the silent auction, then we ran into a couple of his buddies from school. We decided to get some candy at a concession stand and found ourselves standing next to Snooki from Jersey Shore, who was being followed by a camera crew. During the game, Enzo and his friends were standing along the railing next to the field. One of the referees kept coming over to talk to them and introduce them to various celebrities. One of the highlights of the night for Enzo was when he got to meet former NBA all-star Tracy McGrady, who was a captain of one of the teams playing that night. His other big moment that night came after the game when he got to take a picture with UFC star Justin Gaethje.

Enzo & Dad at the Celebrity Flag Football game
Enzo and Dad before the Celebrity Flag Football game
Enzo and UFC star Justin Gaethje
Enzo and Justin Gaethje

On the day before the Superbowl, I took the kids to the NFL Play Football event, which was being held at a local high school. Tickets were free if you knew how to get them, and luckily for us, Jessica was able to score four through the school district. It was a fun event filled with complimentary swag and food, plus we got to meet players, and cheerleaders from the Raiders, Chiefs, and 49ers. The cheerleaders performed and the kids got to run through some football obstacle courses. They enjoyed one of them so much that they each did it three or four times. We also got to try on some authentic NFL helmets! It was a really fun event that we were thankful to be able to attend.

Pellegrini kids with two Raiders cheerleaders
The kids with a pair of Raiders cheerleaders
Elise and Ava with a pair of Chiefs cheerleaders
Elise and Ava with a pair of Chiefs cheerleaders
Elise with a pair of 49ers cheerleaders
Elise with a pair of 49ers cheerleaders
Enjoying our complimentary lunch at the NFL Play Football event

Spring Break is coming fast

In addition to all these activities, we’re also getting ready for our trip to Colorado, which is only a couple of weeks away. The plan is to head out early on the morning of Friday, March 8, and drive to Grandma and Grandpa’s house up in the mountains. We will stay the night with them, then drive down to Denver on Saturday morning. We have a hotel reserved in Downtown Denver, just a couple blocks from the concert venue. We will spend the weekend in Denver, then head back to Grandma and Grandpa’s house on Monday morning. The kids love playing in the snow at their house so our plan is to stay with them on Monday and Tuesday, then drive back to Henderson on Wednesday. We’re really excited to see Moon Taxi play live, especially in such a small venue, so I look forward to writing about it in next month’s post.

A few weeks after that, Jessica will be heading back to Iowa to spend some time with her Grandma. It’s been a few years since she has seen her and she doesn’t want to take anything for granted. The kids and I always miss her when she’s gone but it looks like my Mom will be coming over to stay with us for the weekend to help out. It will be the weekend of our 14th anniversary that she’s gone so we’ll have to find another time to celebrate. It’s all good though; I’m glad she is able to get back there and spend some quality time with Sherry.

Vegas Showbiz and Cappers Update

I forgot to mention this in last month’s post, but early in January Vegas Showbiz finally reached 1,000 subscribers on YouTube! This was a goal I had been chasing for nearly two years so it felt great to finally achieve it. This meant that the channel made it to the next tier of the YouTube Partner Program, allowing it to profit from advertisements that run before and during videos. The channel is still small, and based on our average number of daily views, it only makes about $2 per day, but it’s something and it can only go up from here.

There are other perks that come with the channel though, for instance, Jessica and I recently had the pleasure of attending the Grand Reopening of the Jersey Boys show at The Orleans. Jersey Boys used to play in Vegas between 2008 and 2016, and it was a very popular show during that time, but it’s been gone since then. The Orleans has never done a show this big before and we loved it. Before the show we got to attend a cocktail party, then we were seated in the front row for the show! We were cracking up because they were clearly giving us the VIP YouTuber treatment even though our channel isn’t big at all. These are exactly the kinds of things I was hoping would happen when creating the channel two years ago, so it felt great to be able to have them come true. We very much enjoyed the show and gave it a nice review a couple of days later.

Ready for Jersey Boys to begin!

Regarding Cappers, things have definitely picked up over the past two months. One major contributor to that has been the addition of our daily sports betting analysis video, which we post on YouTube Shorts and TikTok. It’s one minute or less and we simply highlight a play that looks attractive on the site. It’s normally a screen recording of the site with either Devin or myself talking about why we selected this particular play. We only get about 40 views per day on YouTube, but we average anywhere from 200 to 700 views per day on TikTok! This has been driving a lot more traffic to our site, resulting in more free trials and more paid subscriptions. 

Recently we even got our first annual subscriber, which came from a guy in Ireland, of all places. It’s great to see that we are reaching an international audience, and it comes as no surprise that when we review our viewer analytics on TikTok, we can see that about 96% of our viewers are male, and the majority of them are between the ages of 18 and 25. Sports betting is extremely popular with young men these days, especially since new states are constantly legalizing it. While there are plenty of services out there for sports bettors, most of them are known as Touts, and they simply tell you who to bet on. These services are much more expensive than our site, so it makes sense that a younger generation of sports bettors is attracted to our platform, which focuses more on presenting relevant information for them to make their own decisions with. I am constantly working on adding new features to the site which add value for our users and I firmly believe that it’s only a matter of time before this thing really takes off.

One feature I’m really proud of is the Expected Value dashboard, which compares odds on every game from a lot of different sports books and identifies games where you can get good value by betting on a specific game at a specific sports book. One thing that makes the sports financial market much different from the stock market is the fact that the odds for games are often different from one book to another. The same kind of thing doesn’t exist in the stock market, meaning the price of a stock is the same regardless of which brokerage firm you use. When I find value in a game at a particular book, I run it through variants of the Kelly Criterion formula to determine the optimal bet size, as a percentage of your total bankroll. In many cases, no bet is recommended, but when enough value is there we display the optimal bet size and it’s doing very well. I’m always tracking the performance of our dashboards and systems, and I’m confident that our users are turning a profit if they follow along.

Another feature I recently built that I’m very proud of is related to NBA player prop bets. If you’re not familiar with prop bets, it’s like betting that a certain player will score more or less than a certain amount of points in a game. It goes well beyond points though. In the case of basketball, you can use Cappers to research how many rebounds, assists, and three-pointers they will have. Each day our site analyzes every prop bet available for every player, then examines their stats from every game of the season to determine how likely they are to go over or under the given line. We graph all of this out for the user, then compare their recent performance to how well the opposing team does at stopping players in these categories. For example, if a player has been rebounding well recently and they’re playing against a team that is at the bottom of the league in rebounding, we highlight that to the users. 

We frequently recommend these types of plays in our daily videos and have been very successful in doing so. I find these types of plays much easier to beat consistently than betting on the outcome of an entire game. They’re known in the gambling world as “soft markets” while betting on games are considered “hard markets.” Not only do these types of plays appeal to sports bettors, but they also appeal to fantasy sports players, which opens up a much larger audience to us. I’m already working on adding the same type of feature for the upcoming baseball season, then will do the same thing for the next football season as well.

In order to continue building our knowledge, Devin and I are always reading books and watching videos about sports betting. Whenever we learn valuable new things, we work on adding them to Cappers. This was how Cappers originated, with me reading books about NBA betting and transferring those learnings into a website, so that trend continues to this day. Sorry for being so long-winded about Cappers but you can probably tell that it goes beyond work for me. It has become a passion that I have invested myself heavily into. I can’t wait for the day that this is my only job, but in the meantime, I’m willing to continue grinding along with two jobs as long as necessary. Again, it’s only a matter of time.

I guess that’s about it for now. It’s great to be busy again, and although it’s been a mild winter for us, it’s nice to have it already warming up. We’re going to be outside a lot this Spring, and I’m excited for everything the kids have going on. Elise and Ava have school performances coming up soon, I’m excited to be out at the baseball field regularly, and can’t wait to get to Colorado. Other than holidays, I haven’t had a day off since starting my new day job last April, so this getaway is going to be nice. Here are a few more recent family photos.

Elise looking adorable at school
Dinner at our new favorite Chinese restaurant, ShangHai Taste.
Dinner at our new favorite Chinese restaurant, ShangHai Taste.
Enzo and his buddies at the APEX Fun Run
Elise and Mom at the APEX Fun Run

Merry Christmas, 2023

Our 2023 Christmas break was centered around home this year, with frequent dining out, family movie nights, batting cage visits and ice skating, ample video game sessions, and a delightful visit from Grandma and Grandpa Martin.

In contrast to last year’s trip to Colorado, our family opted for a low-key December at home this time. It’s been a lively and eventful month filled with shopping, dining out, video games, batting cage fun, ice skating, and cozy family movie nights. The kids eagerly anticipated their school holiday break and while they may not be fully prepared to go back next week, it’s clear that everyone has relished their time off.

After Ava’s softball season ended, we decided to start frequenting a local batting cage with her teammates during the off-season. We found it so enjoyable that I opted for a monthly membership, granting us unrestricted access to the facility. Our visits often include Ava’s teammates and their families, but we also go on our own at times. I’ve even introduced Jessica and other friends to the experience, and they all seem to love it as well. Even if you’re not into baseball or softball, using the batting cage is an excellent way to stay active and improve hand-eye coordination. Our goal is to keep going throughout the off-season so that both Ava and I are fully prepared for our upcoming seasons starting in March.

Ava’s Christmas this year had a strong softball theme, with her receiving a new gear bag and stylish batting gloves. She also got a variety of new clothes and an extensive book series from her favorite Anime, Demon Slayer. One of the most thrilling gifts was a trip to a tattoo shop to get her ears pierced a few days after Christmas. We made sure to go to a specialized shop instead of getting it done at the mall. Since then, she has been fixated on them, worrying that they might fall out, but she is delighted with how they look and happy to have them.

Elise’s Christmas revolved around fashion and skincare products. Lately, she has been very interested in taking care of her skin, regularly using various masks and creams. She has also started wearing a bit of makeup and is very passionate about keeping up with the latest fashion trends. It’s amusing to see that one of her beauty products is an anti-aging cream, even though she’s only 10! I don’t think she needs to be concerned about aging at this age. It’s been delightful to witness her growth into a remarkable young lady.

Enzo was thrilled with his Christmas gifts, especially the two new pairs of shoes. One of them stood out as the most vibrant and colorful tennis shoes I had ever seen! In addition to the footwear, he received a collection of clothes, a new football, wide receiver gloves, and an assortment of toys to keep him entertained. Jessica and I couldn’t help but laugh at his confident demeanor when he’s wearing something he loves.

Jessica and I are big fans of the TV show Survivor, and one thing that always stands out to us is the contestants’ signature accessory called a Buff, which is essentially a type of neck gaiter. When we threw Enzo’s Survivor-themed birthday party a couple of years ago, we gave everyone in our family custom-printed Buffs featuring designs from season 41 of the show. While I still regularly wear mine, Jessica doesn’t wear hers as much because she finds the print too bold. This Christmas, I decided to surprise her with a merino wool Buff in her favorite color, teal, so she could enjoy wearing it more often. Along with that, I also got her a sleek Yeti travel mug and a Henderson Hawks t-shirt for her to wear at Ava’s softball games. In return, Jessica gifted me a set of wooden chopsticks and something I’m really excited about: she signed me up for a beginner’s sushi-making class in January!

Even though we continue to consume plant-based foods regularly, sushi has significantly impacted our lives in recent months. Jessica and I found that it was the one thing we truly missed after eliminating meat and fish from our diets in 2020. Luckily, there is a fantastic sushi restaurant just down the street from our house that we all love to visit, and the kids also enjoy going to a few revolving sushi restaurants around town.

Last Saturday, we took my Mom out to watch the new Willy Wonka movie, which was fantastic. After the movie, we enjoyed an amazing sushi dinner at a relatively new restaurant called Taru. It was the best sushi meal we’ve had in a while and we can’t wait to go back. I’m really excited for the beginner’s sushi-making class in January, where I’ll learn to make sushi rice, California rolls, spicy tuna rolls, and vegetable hand rolls. I’m already looking forward to taking the advanced class later on. I’m sure the kids will be delighted to have homemade sushi for dinner at home soon.

Apart from the various gifts we received for Christmas, I upheld our yearly custom of gifting electronics by buying a PlayStation 5 for the family. Both the kids and I had been eager to have one, and after being hard to come by at first, I managed to snag a great deal on Black Friday this year. Additionally, I bought five games and customized PS5 controllers for each of the kids.

This year, as Christmas Eve coincided with a Sunday, Jessica and I decided to let the kids unwrap all of their PS5-related presents early in the morning. We then dedicated the entire day to playing video games. Additionally, I surprised them with the new Super Mario Wonder game for the Nintendo Switch and set up an extra TV in the family room, making our gaming session even more exciting! Our gaming marathon extended into Christmas Day as well.

After Christmas, Grandma and Grandpa Martin made the trip from Colorado to visit us for a few days. It worked out perfectly because we visited them last Christmas, and this year they came to us. They took the kids shopping for Christmas gifts and even went to the Las Vegas strip one afternoon. Ava got some new shelves for her bedroom, which Grandpa Tom installed, making it look incredibly organized. Elise found more skincare products while shopping with Grandma, and Enzo got some new clothes, including a couple of Boston Celtics hats. One evening, we took them to dinner at our favorite local sushi restaurant. Unfortunately, today is their last full day with us before they drive back to Colorado tomorrow.

Jessica and I decided to give the kids a special gift that we’ve all been eagerly anticipating. After brainstorming ideas for Spring Break 2024, we realized that we all share a love for attending concerts. So, we made plans for a road trip to Denver to see one of our favorite bands, Moon Taxi, perform on the first Saturday of Spring Break. We quickly secured tickets and are excitedly looking forward to the drive in March. Their music is a staple in our car rides, and although it’s a long journey, we’ve made it before and are now planning other enjoyable activities in Denver during our stay. While we’re no strangers to Colorado, most of our time has been spent in the mountains, so spending a few days in Denver will be a refreshing change of scenery.

The Christmas break for this year is almost over. We’re excited to visit Devin’s house on New Year’s Eve, and shortly after that, Jessica and the kids will be back in school. I’ve been working throughout the break, but I enjoy having everyone at home with me all day. It’s been a wonderful break, but returning to our usual schedule is also beneficial. Below are some of our cherished family photos from this holiday season. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

Elise decorating our Christmas tree
Ava decorating our Christmas tree
Jessica getting ornaments picked out for the tree
Peach and Spencer love laying under the tree
Our tree on Christmas Eve night
Sushi dinner with Nana
Sushi dinner with Nana
The kids on Christmas Eve morning
Enzo with his new Ramen shirt
Elise getting new press-on nails for Christmas
Mom and Elise with her new Stranger Things shirt
Enzo and Mom at a school holiday party
The kids on Christmas morning

Ready for Halloween 2023

Getting ready for Halloween and keeping busy with lots of activities!

Halloween is always a big deal for our family. Not only is it Nan’s birthday, but it’s easily one of our favorite holidays. Elise will tell you without hesitation that Halloween is her favorite holiday, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Ava and Enzo said the same thing. Jessica is really into it as well; she’s the reigning costume champion at the school she works at and is hoping to repeat this year. Last year she killed it with her pinata costume and this year she has put together an amazing outfit to dress up as Willy Wonka.

As far as the kids’ costumes go, Ava is dressing up as one of her favorite anime characters, Elise is a Pokemon character, and Enzo has a blowup chicken suit with bright rainbow colors. I’m taking the easy route and just dressing up as a baseball player, but in all honesty, Halloween isn’t as big of a thing for me simply because I work from home, so I don’t have anywhere to go in a costume besides trick or treating with the kids.

Speaking of trick or treating, I feel like Halloween has gotten even better for us since moving to Nevada because of the neighborhood we live in. I’ve never seen anything like it. It might even be fair to say that houses in our neighborhood are more decorated for Halloween than Christmas. There’s a house that builds a haunted house in their backyard each year, plus houses that give out full-sized candy bars. There’s even one house that has a cotton candy machine and spins it individually for each kid! It’s such a fun experience for everyone and we always look forward to it each year.

To make our evening even better, my Mom is coming over to have dinner and spend her birthday evening with us. She’ll also be working the front door to hand out candy while we’re out in the neighborhood. I’m looking forward to making a nice birthday dinner for her and getting some quality time. The kids haven’t been able to spend as much time with her recently due to activities and social events, so it will be great having her over.

A Big Night For Elise and Jessica

About six weeks ago Elise was supposed to go to the Ed Sheeran concert at Allegiant Stadium with one of her best friends. They got all the way to the stadium before finding out that the concert had to be postponed due to safety issues while setting things up. The concert was rescheduled for Saturday, October 28, which was last night. As it turned out, Elise’s friend’s Dad wasn’t able to make it, so they had an extra ticket and were kind enough to offer it to Jessica. She was thrilled to be able to go and of course, they had a great time. Jessica took a bunch of videos for me so I’ll be making a Vegas Showbiz video out of it very soon.

Since Elise and Jessica were having a special night, I wanted to do something fun with Ava and Enzo to keep them from getting jealous. We went to the mall and then decided to go to our favorite conveyor belt sushi restaurant. Enzo asked if we could take the long way so I decided to cruise all the way down the Las Vegas strip. I figured it would be fun because it was Saturday night, but it turned out much better than expected. First of all, the Formula One Las Vegas Grand Prix is only a couple of weeks away, and they’re going to be racing on the strip, so we got to see all the grandstands and other race infrastructure. I love Formula One racing and it was so cool to be driving down the same street that my favorite drivers will soon be racing on. I can’t believe they’re going to be driving 200 mph on that road and can’t wait to see it.

To make our drive even more fun and memorable, we were sitting at the front of an intersection near MGM Grand waiting for a green light, and suddenly about 15 motorcycles came up around us to get in front of me. They were ¾ size stunt bikes and the riders were doing all kinds of cool tricks while waiting for the light to change. We had no idea what was going on but they were waving to us and the kids loved it. They had their bikes up on the back wheel spinning around, then as soon as the light changed they were doing wheelies through the intersection, and some were riding while standing on their seat.

It was 7:00 p.m. on Saturday night, so it was prime time to be cruising the strip. I’m used to seeing classic cars cruising the strip on a Saturday night, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Ava was filming it the whole time on her phone and we were talking about it all night.

Activities Galore

As mentioned earlier, the kids have been staying busy with activities lately, so Jessica and I are constantly running them around. Elise and Enzo are back in their Saturday morning boxing class, and Ava has been loving her new softball team. We’ve been spending a lot of time in the fields and batting cages lately, which I love. Her team won their first nine games before losing one yesterday, so they’re off to an excellent start. The Fall season is shorter than Spring, so there are only a few games left, but I think it’s a guarantee that Ava will be playing again next Spring. She has made a ton of improvement over the past couple of months and we plan on working hard during the offseason.

I’ve enjoyed being back around baseball so much that I too am joining a team in January. I’ve been wanting to get back into some type of team sport or activity because I spend so much time at home working. While I do get plenty of exercise at home via the rowing machine and weights, it’s not the same as getting out there with people. 

I thought about joining a hockey team but here’s the problem; hockey is very popular here (like it is in Seattle) but there are only a handful of ice rinks to play at. Kids teams always get preferential ice time, so if you’re on an adult team it’s not uncommon for games to start at 11:00 p.m. or later. I simply can’t make that work with my schedule, but that same problem doesn’t exist for baseball. Not only are there fields everywhere, but the weather here is conducive to playing all year long. I always loved playing baseball as a kid and wish I wouldn’t have quit, so I’m excited to get back into it. I did some research and found the Nevada Adult Baseball Association (NABA), which is a hardball league that looks really fun. I went to one of their games last Sunday and felt like I could definitely keep up. I’m planning on playing catcher and have started training for the season. Luckily, I’ve become friends with a guy who used to be a catcher in the Phillies system, so he’s going to work with me. I’ve also been watching a ton of videos on YouTube and regularly get out to practice with the kids. It’s important for me to stay active and I can’t wait to get back into a team sports environment.

Vegas Showbiz and Cappers Update

Our subscribers for the Vegas Showbiz YouTube channel are continuing to grow quickly and we’re now up over 850. Getting to 1,000 has been a goal for me since day one and I think we’ll be there in the next two or three months at most. On the Cappers side of things, I’ve been working on it for exactly a year, and we now finally have some paid subscribers! We’ve obviously still got a long way to go, but our growth is totally organic without any type of paid advertising, so it feels great to see it gaining momentum. 

It’s doing well from a performance perspective as well, especially with NHL recommendations. We’re only a few weeks into the new hockey season and if you were to bet one unit on every NHL betting system recommendation our site makes, you’d already be up over 50 units! 50x on your money is insane, and there are certainly no guarantees that it will stay that way for the entire season, but there is no question that we have tapped into some successful systems and methods. I wish we could get that type of performance with football betting, but there’s too much action and the lines are too sharp to make that kind of money. The real profit, when it comes to betting on the major U.S. sports, is with hockey and baseball.

Hopefully, we can continue spreading the word and growing the business. Devin and I are both extremely bullish on our business model and feel like it’s only a matter of time before it blows up. Just gotta keep grinding in the meantime.

That’s about it for now. We’re looking forward to a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Rudd in a couple of weeks. It’s hard to believe that the holiday season is already here. I don’t have too many recent photos to share, but here are a few. See you next month!

Pellegrini Kids Halloween 2023 costumes
2023 Las Vegas Pride Parade
At the 2023 Las Vegas Pride Parade
Ava and Elise at the Pride Parade
Enzo and his buddy
Enzo and one of his best friends
Heading to Ava's softball game
Off to another softball game!
At the Las Vegas Ed Sheeran concert
Elise and Jessica before the Ed Sheeran concert
Dinner at "Marriage Can Be Murder"
Having fun at the “Marriage Can Be Murder” dinner show
Outside Sapporo Revolving Sushi
Revolving Sushi with Ava and Enzo

Falling Into Autumn, 2023

An update on our family as we enter Fall 2023. We’re as busy as ever with school, activities, work, and more!

Fall is my favorite season, especially earlier on, and this year is no exception. Living here in Southern Nevada, the weather this time of year is absolutely perfect; it reminds me of Summers in Seattle. The brutal heat of the Summer is gone, and so are the monsoons of August. It’s sunny and about 90 degrees every day with no wind, so we’re outside enjoying the weather a lot more than we normally would be during the Summer, swimming excluded.

One way that we’ve been out enjoying the weather lately is by going to the softball field. Ava recently joined a new team through a private softball league and is playing in their Fall Ball season. She last played in the Spring of 2022 for a team through the city of Henderson, and we tried to do the same thing again this year, but there weren’t enough girls signed up so the season was canceled. 

This new league she’s playing for is a lot more serious and the quality of play is much higher. She was a bit intimidated at first because most of these girls are more experienced than her and have been playing together for years, but she’s been getting so much better after the past few weeks. I’ve been practicing with her at home, plus she has never missed a team practice, and we meet with the team every Sunday morning at the batting cage. 

In addition to getting better as a player, she’s also learning a lot about being a good teammate. At first, she would sit quietly on the bench but now she’s up there cheering for her teammates and participating in all their funny team chants. We’re really glad to see her involved in a team sport again and it’s fun going to the ballpark to watch her play.

Another cool thing that Ava has recently taken on is that she has become a member of her Middle School band. She is playing the cornet trumpet and is really enjoying it! It’s not uncommon for her to stay after school to get extra music practice in. Obviously, I’m thrilled to see any of the kids taking on an instrument and I can already see the joy it’s giving her. Just like softball, we’ve seen a noticeable improvement in just a few short weeks.

To cap it off, this week she brought home her first progress report and it was mostly all A’s and B’s. The transition from elementary school to middle school is tough for a lot of kids, so Jessica and I are very proud of how she’s been doing.

Ava practicing trumpet
Ava at Cosmopolitan Las Vegas

Elise Having A Great Final Year of Elementary School

Speaking of progress reports, Elise just brought hers home and it was all A’s with one B. Once again, Jessica and I were so proud. It hasn’t been the easiest start of the year for her but she’s been putting in the work and it shows. Regarding activities, we took a break from boxing for the Summer but Elise has been asking to get back into it, so this weekend will be her first class. We’re glad to see her doing something that she enjoys so much, and that gives her confidence. I’ll tell you what – Elise is not to be messed with. She’s fast, strong, and can throw a solid punch. I pity the fool that crosses her someday.

Elise has made some great friends at school over the past couple of years and now she frequently finds herself getting invited to do all kinds of cool things. A few weeks ago her friend invited her to come to the Ed Sheeran concert at Allegiant Stadium. They made it all the way to the front door before finding out that the show had to be postponed due to an accident while setting things up. They were bummed but took it well; the show will now take place on October 28th so they will be going then. She still got to go out to a nice dinner that night with her friend’s family.

Elise and her teacher at Pali
Elise with her 5th grade teacher at the Pali Institute

More recently, this past weekend Elise was invited by another friend to go to the iHeart Radio festival at Mandalay Bay. Her friend’s dad is a marketing executive for MGM so they brought a group of girls to the show. She got all kinds of cool swag, including an M&M bucket hat, and then saw artists like The Foo Fighters, Kelly Clarkson, Fall Out Boy, 30 Seconds to Mars, and others. 

Jessica and I didn’t want Ava and Enzo to be jealous so we took them out for an epic night while Elise was away, which included an hour at an arcade, dinner at a conveyor sushi restaurant, and a viewing of Sphere Las Vegas the weekend before it’s grand opening with U2. It was an awesome night but Enzo was clearly partied out by the time we got home.

Enzo and Ava having conveyor sushi for the first time
Enzo and Ava experience conveyor sushi for the first time
Enzo partied out
Enzo partied out at the end of a long Saturday night out on the town. Those are my Gucci sunglasses that I bought for my 26th birthday in Vegas. Now Enzo rocks them regularly.

Another really fun thing Elise recently took part in was her school’s 5th-grade camping trip to the Pali Institute. Ava had a blast doing the same thing last year and this year was no exception for Elise. Going on a 5th-grade camping trip is like a right of passage and we were so happy to hear about the great time she had. She got to participate in all kinds of cool activities and spent lots of quality time with her friends.

Enzo Crushing 3rd Grade

Like his sisters, Enzo is off to a great year at school. I haven’t seen a progress report for him so far but he’s doing really well in every subject. He’s just like me in the sense that he comes home each day and does his homework immediately. He takes his work seriously and never misses a beat. He’s excited to be getting back into boxing this weekend with Elise, and like Elise, he has made some great friends at school.

Enzo has definitely found himself in the middle of a great group of friends and I think it’s fair to say he is one of the more popular kids in his grade. Jessica recently took him over to his buddy Charlie’s house for a play date, then came home and told me about how beautiful this kid’s neighborhood is. Apparently, he lives on a golf course and one of his newest neighbors is Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo. I’ve been telling Jessica that our kids clearly have good taste when it comes to making friends and that it might not be long before we’re riding their coattails.

Enzo and Dad on Fremont St
Enzo and Dad on Fremont St

A Change of Plans for Jessica

Jessica spent the whole Summer training for her upcoming Mt Whitney hike but unfortunately, it’s not going to happen. A few weeks ago she went on a big hike with one of her friends as a training exercise but the weather and conditions turned out unexpectedly bad. Out of respect for her privacy, I don’t want to go into too much detail, but the short story is that she was injured during the hike and the injury is preventing her from going on the Mt Whitney trip.

I don’t want to alarm anyone because she’s going to be totally fine, but a hike like that is no joke and she simply won’t be able to do it at the scheduled time. It was really tough for her to accept and she was gutted by it, but there’s no question she made the right decision to cancel. Although we can’t replace that experience for her, we’re working on setting up some super cool things to do that weekend to help make up for it in some way.

Vegas Showbiz Update

I can’t believe how much Vegas Showbiz has started taking off over the past few weeks. It all started off with me reaching out to various performers to see if I could interview them for the Vegas Showbiz YouTube channel. Through one of those requests I got hooked up with Authentic Public Relations and now all kinds of things are popping up. They were impressed by my interview with Adam London, one of their performers, and have since invited Jessica and me to see the show Marriage Can Be Murder and then interview their performers. They have also invited us to the grand opening of Tape Face’s new show at MGM Grand, which includes a meet and greet afterward. 

Additionally, another public relations company called KorePR found me online and asked if I’d be interested in interviewing a comedian named Byron Kennedy regarding his upcoming headlining slot at the Laugh After Dark comedy festival and the debut of his first comedy special “NashVegas.” Obviously, I said yes and the whole thing went really well.

I’m having so much fun doing these interviews, mostly because I feel like I can talk to anyone about practically anything. I guess I’m just channeling my inner bartender from a previous life, and I feel confident that it’s going to continue growing from here.

Cappers Update

I feel like Cappers is right behind Vegas Showbiz in terms of starting to take off. One reason for this is that, as Devin and I put it, we’re finally fulfilling our AI promise. The URL for the Cappers website is https://cappers.ai, which implies that we are using artificial intelligence to handicap sporting events, but that wasn’t actually the case until about a week ago. Certainly, we have always been building databases of sports data and using that data in various sports betting formulas and systems to produce betting recommendations, but until now, there was no actual artificial intelligence going on behind the scenes. 

That’s all in the past though, as we are now using ChatGPT, the most popular and widely used form of AI in the world, to evaluate games and make betting recommendations. We’re still calculating results from all the systems and providing all the data that we always have, but the ChatGPT results are a huge value add.

At a high level, here’s how it works. You can think of ChatGPT as an invisible robot that you can ask questions to. While you could simply ask the bot something like “Who’s going to win tonight’s game between the Lions and the Packers,” you probably wouldn’t get a very intelligent response because you’re not giving it information to use in its decision-making process. I’m sure it will get there someday, but for now, you have to construct a very detailed question, known as a prompt, in order to get an intelligent response.

A big part of the work I’ve been doing for the past year is writing little computer programs known as Azure Functions that run regularly on timers to get all the latest data from every sport we support and save that data into our database. Once you have all that data, you can use it any way you like. We use it in all those betting system formulas, and we use it to construct the ChatGPT prompts. The prompts we send to the GPT bot are long (about 300 words) and contain all kinds of important information about how each team is performing, point spreads, betting odds, injuries, weather conditions, etc. It takes a lot of code and logic to produce these prompts, but the result that you get back from the bot is really impressive.

I’m not going to lie and say that the recommendations from the bot are always 100% correct because clearly, nothing can ever predict the future with total accuracy, but the responses so far have been looking great. What you get is a response that is very well thought out, takes all the important factors into consideration, and makes an intelligent recommendation. Even if you decide not to make the bets recommended by the bot, it’s still really useful information that you should be aware of and take into account. Plus, more often than not, the bot gets it right. Here’s an example of it’s response about last Sunday’s Steelers vs Raiders game, which was totally accurate across the board.

Cappers.ai Chat GPT analysis of an NFL game

If that’s too small to read in the image, here’s what it says:


The Steelers and Raiders both have a 1-1 record this season, but the Steelers are coming off a win while the Raiders are coming off a loss. The Steelers have been scoring more points on average this season (16.5) compared to the Raiders (13.5). However, the Raiders had a higher average score last season (23.2) compared to the Steelers (18.1). Both teams are averaging 2 turnovers per game this season. The Steelers have 1 offensive injury and the Raiders have 2 defensive injuries, which could potentially impact the Raiders’ ability to stop the Steelers’ offense.

Point Spread Bet

Given the Steelers’ recent win and the Raiders’ defensive injuries, I would bet on the Steelers +2.5 points. This means that even if the Steelers lose by 2 points, the bet would still win.

Money Line Bet

I would be on the Steelers’ money line at +124. This means that for every $100 bet, the payout would be $124 if the Steelers win.

Over-Under Pick

The Over/Under is set at 43 points. Given the average points scored by both teams this season (16.5 for the Steelers and 13.5 for Raiders), I would pick the Under at -110 odds. This means that if the total combined score of both teams is less than 43, the bet would win.

Summary of Picks

Point Spread: Steelers +2.5 Money Line: Steelers +124 Over/Under: Under 43

Final Thoughts

While both teams have had a mixed start to the season, the Steelers seem to have the edge due to their recent win and the Raiders’ defensive injuries. However, as with any sports betting, there are no guarantees and outcomes can be unpredictable. It’s important to bet responsibly.

As you can see, this is an extremely well-thought-out response and had you wagered $100 on each of those three recommendations, you would have gotten your $300 back plus a profit of $282. Considering the fact that we’re offering a two-week free trial of the Cappers Application, then only charging $19 per month (for now), Devin and I feel that it’s an incredible value. People pay hundreds of dollars for tout services to tell them who to bet on. We’re not a tout service but instead believe in giving our customers intelligent recommendations and using them to make more informed betting decisions of their own.

If you’re reading this and know anyone who may be interested in a Cappers free trial, please reach out to me and I will give you a code to extend that free trial to one month. I firmly believe that it’s just a matter of getting the word out there and this thing is going to explode. We’ve put a TON of work into it and I’m so proud of what has been created. While we’re currently only offering AI betting recommendations for NFL games, I’m already working on it for the upcoming NHL season and will do the same thing for NBA games. It won’t be long before every game has an AI recommendation to go along with all the other system results.

That’s about it for now. As I say every month, we’re extremely busy, but busy is good and it beats the alternative. Jessica and I couldn’t be more proud of the kids and everything they have going on. If you’re thinking about making a trip to Vegas, please let us know.

Jessica, Elise and Enzo at school
Jessica and Enzo at school
Elise and Ava on Fremont St
Jessica and the kids at the Las Vegas Museum of Illusions
Having fun at the Las Vegas Museum of Illusions
The Pellegrini kids at The Cosmopolitan, Las Vegas
The Pellegrini Kids at the Vegas Golden Knights 2023 Rookie Game vs the Anaheim Ducks
At the Vegas Golden Knights 2023 Rookie Game versus the Anaheim Ducks
The Pellegrini family at the Neon Trees concert in Las Vegas
At the Neon Trees show on Fremont St. This was our first entire family concert in Vegas.

Happy 10th Birthday, Elise!

All about Elise’s 10th birthday, plus updates on how our Summer break is wrapping up, Vegas Showbiz getting into the YouTube Partner Program, and Cappers going live!

Today our sweet Elise turned 10 years old! I still remember the morning she was born like it was yesterday. It was shortly after 6:00 am when Jessica delivered her in a small hot tub at a birth center in Bellevue, Washington. With the music of Elliott Smith playing in the background, Elise was brought into this world and I got to hold her for quite a while shortly after. Obviously, it was an experience that Jessica and I will never forget; it’s just hard to believe that 10 whole years have already gone by since then.

As is usually the case with our kids’ birthdays, we’re spreading the celebration out over several days. Since today is her actual birthday, she started off the morning with breakfast in bed, then came down later in the morning to open presents. We went to a play center in the afternoon to let the kids get some exercise, then we went out to dinner as a family. We let Elise choose the restaurant, and luckily for all of us, she chose Chef Kenny’s, which is an Asian vegan restaurant that we love.

After dinner, we came home and did some night swimming, then took a break to enjoy a cake that Elise and Mom baked last night. More swimming and hot tubbing ensued. All in all, it was a great day, but her birthday celebrations are far from over. Tomorrow, the kids will be going to my Mom’s house for a couple nights and I know she has a few things planned. Then next Thursday our good friends the Palmers are visiting us from Washington for a long weekend. 

Instead of having a traditional birthday party, Elise wanted to go see the new Barbie movie in theaters with her friends, but she wanted to wait until her buddy Miles was here for a visit. Jessica got tickets for a big group of Elise’s friends to go to the movie, but Enzo and I decided to pass. I’ll admit it does look funny but since my friend Leon will be here, I think he and I will take Enzo to do something that day while the girls are at the movie.

I know Elise still has all these fun things to come but I hope she enjoyed her day today. It was pretty much the perfect family day and I don’t think anyone will be forgetting it anytime soon. Happy 10th birthday Elise, we love you!!

The Last Few Weeks of Summer Break

Jessica and the kids have been enjoying their break this Summer, but it’s flying by and they will be heading back to school in about three weeks. We’re really excited for our friends to come down for a visit, but they all know that this will basically be the last hoorah. In addition to the movie, we’re all going to a water park one day while they’re here, so that should be a lot of fun.

We recently celebrated the 4th of July, which was also Peach and Spencer’s third birthday, by having my Mom plus our friends Tiko and Tina, plus their two girls, Helen and Beatrice, over for swimming, a BBQ, and fireworks at the park. We were spoiled by relatively cool temperatures during June but that all seems long gone. The forecasted high temperature for this Sunday is 117 degrees, which is extreme even for us. I remember it getting that hot one day during our first Summer here, but it never got that hot last Summer. When you live here you just learn how to live with the extreme heat during the Summer, but at least we always have a pool to go out and jump into.

An Update on Vegas Showbiz and Cappers

Shortly after my last family blog post, Vegas Showbiz was accepted into the YouTube partner program. They recently lowered their limits to get into the first level of the program and we qualified, so I applied and we were accepted almost immediately. Now that we’re in the partner program we’re technically able to start making money, although that hasn’t happened yet. We’re allowed to sell private memberships to our channel but I don’t think that makes sense for us at the moment. We’re also able to accept tips/donations via the Thanks button below our videos, and we’re able to sell Super Stickers, which are digital pieces of art related to our channel.

I don’t expect us to capitalize on any of these options, but I’ve definitely seen an uptick in our viewing numbers and subscribers since we got into the program. It makes sense that YouTube would start surfacing our videos more in searches now that we’re in the partner program, because the better our videos do, the better they do in terms of advertising revenue. Our big goal is still to get to 1,000 subscribers because at that point we will make it to the next level of the partner program, and at that point, you start getting paid a portion of the revenue generated from ads being viewed when people watch your videos.

It won’t be a huge amount of money, but we expect it to be enough to buy tickets to a show each month. Our plan is to reinvest the money into doing more fun things to make videos about and grow the channel that way. Although we had a lull between February and May where we were only producing two videos per month, getting into the partner program has definitely been reinvigorating. We’re not quite halfway through July and have already dropped five new videos for the month. Here’s our most recent one, which is a review Enzo and I made after visiting Fly Over Las Vegas on the Strip.

Regarding Cappers, last Friday Devin and I went live by releasing it to the world! Our main website is located at https://cappers.ai, so if you want to learn more about what we do, that’s the place to go. The web application that people pay for subscriptions to is located at https://app.cappers.ai. So far we don’t have any paying customers but I’ve made some nice progress this week. 

Yesterday I messaged about 10 professional sports handicappers on Twitter; I introduced myself and offered them a free Cappers subscription. I explained that I was trying to gather feedback from established handicappers so I can fine-tune the site and asked if they would be interested. I have already heard back from three of them who are interested and one, who has over 56,000 followers on Twitter, has already gotten set up with a free subscription. Another one has 35,000 subscribers, so if I can get these guys to tweet about it, give feedback, and perhaps give a testimonial on our site, we’ll be looking good.

Our main goal for these first couple of months is to get feedback so we’re ready for NFL season. Hopefully working with these established handicappers will help get us there. In addition to promoting the site via Twitter, I have also been making videos for the Cappers YouTube channel and writing blog posts for the Cappers blog. Most of the blog posts I have written are heavily focused on sports betting, but my first one was more like our origination story. I wrote about growing up in a house where my Dad ran an illegal sports gambling operation, and how he always told me to do something better with my life. I honestly feel like my tech experience combined with these experiences as a child makes me very qualified to be a founder of a company like this. If you’d like to check it out just go to: https://cappers.ai/blog/2023/07-july/01-commandments-of-sports-betting 

I’m already working every day to get us ready for NFL season and I expect to be hustling for months to help build up our subscriber base. Devin and I should be starting our Vegas sports podcast soon as well, so hopefully all these things will start coming together and the site will blow up. I’m not worried about it because I know how much hard work is being done; it’s just a matter of time.

More Homemade Music

I’ve been on a roll with content creation lately and music has been no exception. I recently tried something new by recording music specifically to be used for the background of a Vegas Showbiz video. Normally, when I record music I’m trying to come up with progressive, interesting ideas and play things that sound impressive. This time, it was a different approach because I wanted something simple with an uplifting feel to it.

I was particularly proud of this one, not because it was the best playing I’ve done, but because I recorded it in an old-school way using my actual amplifiers and microphones. Normally when I’m recording music at home, I plug my guitar into my computer and use software recreations of classic amplifiers. This approach has always worked well and sounded good, but it almost feels like you’re cheating. I’m able to pick from all these classic amps from the 50’s 60’s and 70’s, then mix and match them as I please.

This time, I set up a couple of amplifiers in my bedroom closet, which is the closest thing I have to a recording booth, then mic’d them up and cranked the volume. The music was intentionally simple but the guitar solo was done in a single take with zero practice or preparation. In a strange way I was more proud of this than most of my other stuff, mostly because I was using my own physical amps and pedals to get all the sounds.

I also promised my Uncle Bob that I would make a video with the guitar he gifted me before moving back to Washington, so here it is. Again, I used a microphone in front of an amp with lots of volume, which I think is good for the soul. Playing loud feels so good!

Obviously, it’s been a busy few weeks but I honestly believe that staying busy is the secret to happiness. I’m looking forward to making more music to use in our videos, excited for the future of Vegas Showbiz on YouTube, and extremely excited about everything going on with Cappers. It’s only a matter of time. For now, here are a few more recent photos from our Summer.

Elise having breakfast in bed on the morning of her 10th birthday
Elise having breakfast in bed on the morning of her 10th birthday
Elise opening presents for her 10th birthday
Elise opening her presents
Elise at her 10th birthday dinner at Chef Kenny's
Elise at Chef Kenny’s for her birthday dinner
Elise finally got to have a Grimace Shake at McDonalds
Elise finally got to have a Grimace Shake at McDonalds
Enzo Pellegrini, July 4 2023
Enzo with a sparkler sword on the 4th of July. Love those glasses!
Ava Pellegrini, July 4 2023
Ava and her sparkler sword on the 4th
Elise Pellegrini, July 4 2023
Elise and her sparkler sword
The Pellegrini family, July 4 2023
Family photos on the 4th of July are a tradition for us. Here are a few from this year.
The Pellegrini family, July 4 2023
The Pellegrini family, July 4 2023
Nana and Michael, July 4 2023
Mom and I on the 4th
Visiting the Vegas Strip with Avery
Our good friend and old neighbor Avery recently came down from Washington for a visit. It was a fun couple of days.
Fun times with our friend Avery

A Family-Filled June

Sad news about Jessica’s grandpa, followed by lots of good times during a recent family visit. Father’s Day and the upcoming Cappers launch are also covered.

June has been a fun and memorable month, but before I get into all the fun stuff we’ve been up to, I want to take a moment to pay my respects to Jessica’s grandpa, Larry Pipkin, who unfortunately passed away earlier this month. I had the pleasure of spending many occasions with Larry, and his wife Sherry, over the past 15 years. He was always so kind to me, and I always enjoyed his endless questions about the restaurant and tech industries. 

Larry was born in 1929, which is the year after my Dad was born. Jessica and I always chuckled about the fact that my Dad was older than her grandpa. He was only a few days short of his 94th birthday, so I have to commend him on a life well-lived. Not only due to the amount of time he was here but for everything he did during that time. He owned an optometry practice, which came after graduating at the top of his class in medical school. Later in his career, he and Sherry would travel overseas to provide free optometry services to those in need.

Without question, my most special memory of Larry is based on him marrying Jessica and me on a boat in Seattle back in April 2010. It was Jessica’s idea to have him be the one who officiated the service and I was all for it. He took it seriously and ended up getting ordained specifically for that occasion. I remember standing next to him moments before the ceremony began; we made eye contact so I nodded my head and whispered “How ya doin’?” He chuckled and said, “I’m fine, but how are you doing?”

The other great memory I have of Larry was from the end of that year when he and Sherry came to spend Christmas with us at our little beach house in San Diego. The four of us, plus our two dogs, lived in this little house for a week, which was so memorable. We showed them all around San Diego, took them to the restaurants we worked at, and went for walks by the beach. 

I probably shouldn’t say this but I will anyway; Sherry wanted to try a pot brownie so we got one for her. Larry wasn’t interested but I could tell he was enjoying giving her a hard time about it. She was worried about having too much and decided not to finish it. Before the remainder of the brownie made its way to the garbage, Larry, ever the sweet tooth, said “You don’t let brownies go to waste Sherry,” then snatched it up and ate it. I’m not sure how much it affected either of them, but let’s just say everyone really enjoyed the spaghetti dinner I made that night.

Of course, Larry’s family could tell many more stories than I can, but those are some of my favorite memories of him. Congratulations to him on a life well lived; if someone told me right now that I could live until the month of my 94th birthday (which for me would be July 2074), I’d take it without thinking twice. Rest in peace, Grandpa Pipkin.

Larry Pipkin officiating the Pellegrini wedding in April 2010

A Visit From Family

On a happier note, last week my cousin Kristy, her husband Gilberto, and her daughter Madi spent the week at our house. We kept busy with various activities including eating at several of our favorite restaurants, swimming in the backyard, and visiting a handful of fun Vegas attractions. One day they all picked up my Mom and went to an escape room near her house. I wasn’t able to join because I was working but it sounded like everyone had a nice time. Another day while I was working they all got to visit the botanical cactus garden at Ethel M’s chocolate factory.

I think the highlight of their visit for me was on Thursday night when we all attended the Tournament of Kings dinner show at The Excalibur Hotel. Jessica and I have wanted to take the kids to this show for a long time so it was great to experience that with family. Everyone enjoyed the entire experience and I have already posted a Vegas Showbiz video of some of my favorite parts of the show. Hopefully, Jessica and I will be making a review video soon as well.

Kristy, Tito, and Madi were very kind in bringing me a Father’s Day present since they arrived the day after Father’s Day. They got me a cutting board made by Fender, which is shaped like a Stratocaster. It’s the perfect gift for me because I love to play guitar and I love to cook! I had to verify the shape was correct by grabbing my strat and laying it directly on top of the cutting board. It was a perfect match.

Their visit flew by but it was a lot of fun. The weather was hot, but not as hot as usual for this time of year, which made things ideal. I hope they enjoyed it and find time to come back.

Outside of Excalibur Las Vegas
Outside of Excalibur after the show
Family swimming time!
Obligatory family selfie from the pool
Chillin in the pool and hot tub with family
Jessica and Tito on a hike at the Hoover Dam
Jessica and Tito did a hike one morning at the Hoover Dam
Family fun at Ethel M's Chocolate Factory
Family fun at the chocolate factory
Measuring the Fender Stratocaster cutting board against the real thing
Comparing the cutting board to the real thing
Tree climbing in Las Vegas
Tree climbing in Las Vegas

Father’s Day

Since the kids were gone on a camping trip with their grandparents last year on Father’s Day, and the last time we celebrated me, which was my birthday last Summer, Enzo split his head open and I got to spend the evening with him in the emergency room, it was important to Jessica that they treated me to a nice day this year. She really came through too; it was easily the best Father’s Day I’ve ever had!

The kids surprised me that morning with presents they made, all of which were special gifts that I will keep forever. Then Jessica surprised me with a few presents that I never expected. She got me a nice new swimsuit because I had mentioned a few weeks earlier that I only had two pair of swimming trunks. She also got me a new little football which is meant for the water because I love to play catch with the kids in the pool. 

The biggest one though, which totally caught me by surprise, was the JBL Bluetooth outdoor speaker she picked out. I’ve been wanting one of these since last Summer so we can listen to music in the pool. Technically we were already able to do that because our house’s intercom/radio system has a speaker by the back door, but the sound quality wasn’t very good and we hate all the radio commercials. The speaker she picked out sounds amazing and I’ve been bringing it outside for every swimming session since then.

We did some swimming that morning, so I got a chance to wear my new swimsuit, play catch with the new football, and listen to music on the new speaker. It was perfect. My Mom arrived a bit later and hung out for lunch. Jessica was putting out delicious snacks all morning, then I hopped on the grill to make veggie skewers and Impossible burgers. It was great spending time with my Mom for the afternoon, then we spent the evening relaxing as a family. I know she was happy to do it, but I still really appreciate everything Jessica did that day. Again, it was my best Father’s Day ever.

Father's Day 2023

Summer Break for the kids

Summer break has been going well for the kids, although Enzo and Ava have been sick lately, so that’s no fun. Enzo is just now getting over tonsillitis and Ava is starting antibiotics today after being sick for several days. Yesterday, Elise got started with Invisalign at her dentist’s office. Her dentist was recommending Invisalign as the best option, otherwise braces. I’ve never had either but Jessica has had both and her results with Invisalign were much better, so we decided on that option.

There was an optional Summer School session going on for a couple of weeks so each of the kids decided to do it. They enjoy seeing their friends, and in Ava’s case, it was a chance to start getting familiar with the new Middle School she will be attending in the Fall. School starts early here, so there are only about five more weeks of Summer vacation before they get back at it.

We’re not going anywhere this Summer but that’s okay because we have more visitors coming soon, plus we’ll be hosting a few more pool parties, including one on the 4th of July. There’s always so much going on in Las Vegas that we didn’t feel the need to go anywhere this Summer. We’ve also got Elise’s 10th birthday coming up in a couple of weeks, so that should be a lot of fun. 

Here’s a video Jessica and I recently made about things to do this 4th of July in Vegas.

Cappers Beta Launch

Devin and I have been hard at work on getting the Cappers site ready for our beta launch. We’ll be displaying it to the world in the next week or two, which is really exciting. We have things broken up into three components: the Cappers website (https://cappers.ai), the Cappers blog (https://blog.cappers.ai), and the Cappers app (https://app.cappers.ai). The Cappers app is what I mainly focus on, as it is the tool that our customers will purchase subscriptions to. At this point, the app is ready for our beta launch, also known as an MVP (minimum viable product) launch.

I will certainly be adding more to it in the future, but as it is, the baseball handicapping tools we’re providing are outstanding. I’ll have a lot to do to prepare for football season, but for now, our focus is on getting the marketing website and blog launched. I wrote my first Cappers blog article recently and look forward to writing more of them in the near future.

In terms of attracting customers, Devin has a variety of marketing strategies to execute, but we’re hoping to utilize the blog for SEO (search engine optimization) and attract customers organically. Another exciting way we plan to promote the business is via a podcast. Devin was doing some research and found that there currently aren’t any podcasts dedicated to Las Vegas sports. There are more specific podcasts about the Golden Knights and the Raiders, but not one more generic about the entire Las Vegas sports scene.

We decided to capitalize on that hole in the market and look forward to dropping our first episode later this Summer. While Las Vegas has long been considered the entertainment capital of the world, it’s no secret that the city is now making a big push to become the sports capital as well. The Golden Knights just won the Stanley Cup in only their sixth year, the Raiders sell more tickets than any other team in the NFL (mostly because people love coming to Vegas to see their team play), and the Aces are the defending WNBA champs.

Formula One recently spent a quarter of a billion dollars on land in Vegas and will have their first race here this November. The next Superbowl will be hosted here in February, and soon the Tropicana will be torn down and converted into a beautiful new stadium housing the Oakland A’s. Or should I say the Las Vegas A’s? It’s no secret that the NBA badly wants a Las Vegas franchise and LeBron James is already on record saying he wants to own that team. Plus, we’re already the fight capital of the world, so I don’t think we will have a hard time finding things to talk about.

In the same way that we see a clear opportunity to bring AI to the world of sports betting, we also see a clear opportunity to advertise that business by generating content about the fast-growing Las Vegas sports scene. Our plan is to record weekly episodes and release them to all the main podcast feeds, as well as upload the video of each episode to our new Cappers YouTube channel. We don’t have any videos on there yet but they will be coming soon. I’m already looking forward to next month’s post when I can officially announce that we are live.

New Homemade Music

Between my day job and Cappers, I spend a lot of time writing code, so by the end of the day my brain often turns to mush. I tend to deal with that by engaging in one of my creative hobbies, which usually means cooking dinner and/or playing guitar. When I’m playing guitar, the easiest thing to do is just practice or jam along to a backing track, but the problem with that approach is that you never have anything to show for the time spent. 

When you’ve already spent the entire day on the computer, it definitely takes more determination to open the computer back up and work on writing and recording a song, but the reward when you complete one is great. I recently started experimenting with some different tunings on the guitar because it forces me to play different stuff than I would normally play. Consequently, I was inspired to write something new, then started working on recording the song and making a video of myself playing all the parts. 

It’s a ton of work and I’d rather not think of how many hours I put into it, but at the end of it all you have something to share and keep forever. It’s like my version of doing a painting. I try to think of a title early on and let that dictate a theme, then keep that theme in mind when writing the rest of the music. 

In this case, I had this idea of a sandstorm brewing in the desert. It starts slowly and peacefully, then grows into a violent rage before ultimately calming back down to its original state. Most of my normal bluesy licks didn’t work in this tuning, so it forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and come up with something new. While I don’t plan on keeping this alternate tuning forever, it was nice to switch things up and get a new dose of inspiration. I’m already planning on my next recording and hope to get it started soon. Here’s the finished product for SandStorm.

I love how our cat Spencer makes an appearance in the video. I didn’t even know she was there!

Looking Ahead to July

As mentioned, we have Elise’s 10th birthday, plus two sets of visitors coming in July. Grandma and Grandpa Martin are coming out for a visit, as are our good friends the Palmers. Our new pool deck was recently completed so the pool area at our house has never been better. We’re looking forward to lots of swimming and Summer fun with them. Here are a few more recent photos from an epic June 2023!

Jessica and the kids enjoying some beautiful weather
Ava Pellegrini outside of New York, New York - Las Vegas
Ava, Elise, and Enzo Pellegrini at NY NY, Las Vegas
Ava, Elise, and Michael Pellegrini in Las Vegas
The Pellegrini kids outside of the Hershey's store in Las Vegas
Jessica and Michael Pellegrini at The Golden Tiki in Las Vegas
The Pellegrini kids in Vegas
The Pellegrini kids at Excalibur Las Vegas
The Pellegrini kids outside of the Hershey's store in Las Vegas
Enzo and the giant crepe
Of course Enzo ordered this giant Nutella crepe while out to lunch with Nana
Enzo finishing the giant crepe
And of course he ate every bite
The Pellegrini family at the Tournament of Kings dinner show at Excalibur
Ready for the show!

April For The Win!

April 2023 has been an amazing month, and we still have more good stuff coming up!

April 2023 has been a pretty amazing month for us, and we still have some good stuff to look forward to before moving into May. Most notably, Jessica’s birthday is coming up on Friday and she has a lot going on. We’re going to see Chelsea Handler’s comedy show that night at The Mirage, then early the next morning she is flying to Tucson, Arizona to spend the weekend with her girlfriends from Seattle. I mistakenly said she was going to Sedona in last month’s post, but it’s definitely Tucson. They’re going to do some hiking and some chilling, but she wants to get as much training in as possible because this is the same group she’s going with to hike Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain in the contiguous United States, in October. I’ll have details on Jessica’s birthday and weekend getaway in next month’s post.

As for April, there’s been a ton of stuff going on, so let’s start at the beginning of the month. Monday, April 3rd was our 13th anniversary and we celebrated in a very memorable way. Our good friends and ex-neighbors, the Browns, were in Vegas for Spring Break, so they came over to our house for dinner that night. Ava and Elise still talk to Avery regularly online, and they’re always sending each other little gifts in the mail, so it was a pleasure to spend an evening hanging out with them. We actually had so much fun that we ended up meeting up with them again the following night at an arcade in Vegas. We love their family and had such a nice time catching up. Christy is from Vegas and her Mom still lives here, not too far from my Mom, so hopefully they will start making regular visits once again.

Dinner with our good friends, the Browns. We love this whole family.

Dinner with the Browns on our anniversary. We love them so much.

Ava, Avery, and Elise on a special Spring Break visit

Ava, Avery, and Elise. BFF’s forever.

Hanging out in Vegas with our friend Avery.

More fun with Avery

Road Trip with Nana

We spent the evening of Tuesday, April 4th at the arcade with the Browns, then I was up and out the door early the next morning, on April 5th, to pick up my Mom for a road trip to southern Arizona. As I mentioned in last month’s post, we recently made the decision to get a bearded dragon as a pet, and after doing my research online, I decided that I wanted to purchase one from the Atomic Lizard Ranch, located very near the Mexican border in Bisbee, Arizona. It’s about an eight-hour drive from my Mom’s house, and we had to meet them at 3:00 pm, so we were on the road by sunrise. 

We ended up driving all the way down the state of Arizona, from top to bottom. I’d never done a road trip in, or through, Arizona before, and here are my observations. The desert in northern Arizona is much greener than the Mojave desert stretching through California and Nevada. They get a lot more rain during their wet season than we do, and consequently, they have those picturesque cacti, like the ones you see in drawings and cartoons, growing wild everywhere. It’s not uncommon for them to be 20 feet tall, and some are even closer to 30! There are beautiful wildflowers growing near the side of the road, and the vastness of empty space is incredible. It never fails to amaze me when driving through states like Nevada, Utah, and Arizona, just how much wide open empty space there is. It definitely puts the size of our country into perspective.

My only complaint about driving through northern Arizona is the quality of their roads. I’ve never seen so many potholes in my life and I felt like I was dodging them for hours. I think we get a little spoiled from the high quality of our infrastructure in Nevada because of all the tourism revenue to pay for it, but once you cross over into this remote part of Arizona, there’s clearly very little revenue to help pay for road maintenance, and you’ve got to pay attention. Having been through it now, I’m glad Jessica is flying to Tucson, rather than driving through this area alone. A blown-out tire out in the middle of the desert with no town for 50 miles would be a really bad situation to deal with.

Eventually, the road quality improves, and by the time you’re getting close to Glendale and Phoenix, there are no issues. The cacti that I mentioned are native to northern Arizona specifically, so you’re only seeing them for a couple of hours, but they were definitely my favorite part of the scenery. There are also plenty of beautiful rock mountains and other natural rock formations, but those cacti are so unique looking that I’m really glad we got to see them in person. Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.

Cacti in northern Arizona

As we approached Phoenix from the Northwest, my Mom and I couldn’t believe how much it reminded us of South Seattle. The layout of the buildings and railroad tracks was eerily similar to the area she grew up in, and that trend continued as we passed through Phoenix. It felt like the desert version of Seattle. We didn’t get off the freeway, but from the look of the buildings, we both agreed that it had a strong resemblance to Seattle, without the water of course.

Once Phoenix is behind you, there isn’t much until reaching Tucson about 90 minutes later. It’s just wide open, except now, there are no more of those beautiful cacti growing in the wild. It’s just desert, although we did see the longest police funeral procession I’ve ever witnessed. It had to be two miles long. I’ve never seen so many police vehicles and motorcycles in my life. As we passed through Tucson, it felt very similar to the Spokane Valley in Eastern Washington. Had I not known where I was, based on the scenery alone, I would have sworn I was close to Spokane. We were getting hungry around this time, and I saw a sign on the southern edge of Tucson for Rita Road. It had food options and felt fitting that we would stop there, so we took a break there for a quick lunch at Subway. 

Bisbee is located another couple of hours south of Tucson, and to get there you have to pass through Tombstone, the classic old-west town. We ended up staying the night in Tombstone, but first, we had to get to Bisbee on time. There’s an enormous copper mine right off the freeway in Bisbee and we got a pretty good look at it from the freeway. The town now has a kitschy old hippy vibe to it, and it was actually pretty cool. Apparently, Johnny Depp owns a house there. 

We arrived literally at 3:00 on the dot and picked up our little guy. I had been struggling during the week before the trip with deciding what to name him. I had a few ideas, and the kids were throwing ideas at me non-stop, but nothing was sticking. Then one night while dreaming, I remembered a nickname my Dad used to call me as a little boy. He used to call me Shorty, but only for a few years because it soon became obvious that I was going to be much taller than him, so the nickname was relatively ‘short’ lived. 

It’s been at least 35 years since he, or anyone, called me Shorty, but it came back to me during this dream, and decided that had to be the name of our dragon. The inner workings of the human brain are fascinating. My Mom decided that his middle name should be Bisbee, after his birthplace, and I agreed. I frequently find myself calling him Shorty B. 

After picking Shorty up in Bisbee, we turned around and made our way back to Tombstone for the evening. We checked into our room at the Allen St. Inn and I decided to hold Shorty for the first time. It was probably too soon and he freaked out, jumping out of my hands and falling at least four feet to the floor. He was fine though and we haven’t had any more issues like that since. This is me holding him right after our first crazy encounter.

Dad holding Shorty for the first time, after his near-death fall.

Check out more photos of Shorty at the end of this post.

An Evening in Tombstone

When planning out this road trip, I was originally planning on going alone, but it was Jessica’s idea that I ask my Mom to join me. I’m so glad she thought of this because my Mom and I haven’t been on an overnight trip together since visiting Europe in the Summer of 2001! We’ve been on family trips together since then, but not just the two of us. I was originally thinking we would just get a hotel in Tucson, but once I realized Tucson was about 2 hours north of Bisbee, I decided to look for something closer. That’s how I stumbled on Tombstone. My Mom has been to all the major spots in Arizona but had never been to Tombstone. My only reference was the movie from the early 1990s with Kurt Russel and Val Kilmer. I have always loved that movie and watched it several times with my Dad before his passing in 1995. 
When I asked my Mom if she would be interested in staying the night there she thought it was a great idea. It’s a tiny town that still leans heavily into its wild west heritage. Shops close up early in Tombstone, so we didn’t have much time to explore after getting checked into our hotel, but we were still able to check most of it out. I bought souvenirs for the kids at the O.K. Corral and even ended up buying a beautiful pair of brown boots at a Western clothing store. I love wearing boots, mostly because I got into them when riding motorcycles regularly, and I’ve been wanting something a bit dressier for at least a year. I could never find the right ones because I didn’t want traditional cowboy boots and I didn’t want work boots, but while looking for a Western hat at one of the stores, I unexpectedly found the perfect pair of boots. I’ve been wearing them constantly ever since. I love the fact that I got them with my Mom on our road trip to Tombstone.

My new boots from Tombstone, Arizona.

After our shopping was complete, we had dinner at The Longhorn restaurant, which was decent, then grabbed an after-dinner drink at Big Nose Kate’s Saloon. Big Nose Kate was Doc Holiday’s girlfriend, and the saloon is epic. It’s everything I could have ever wanted in an old west saloon. It was a long day and we were exhausted, so we had one drink and decided to call it a night. The next morning we were up early and ready to get Shorty to his new home. I made a video for Vegas Showbiz about our experience in Tombstone, which you can check out below.

During our drive home the next day, my Mom held Shorty (in his Tupperware container) the entire way. She was reading all kinds of interesting facts on her phone about bearded dragons, and really fell in love with him. She would hold him up near the window so he could get natural light, which was exhausting for her arms, but we could tell he liked it. He’s so alert and present, which isn’t how most other types of lizards are. Every time a semi-truck was next to us he would perk way up to watch it go by. For some reason, he loved watching the trucks, and overall, did excellent on his first road trip.

I’m so thankful for this experience with my Mom. As previously mentioned, it’s been a very long time since the two of us had done anything even remotely similar to this. I love her so much and even though this was a quick trip, it was something neither of us will ever forget. Thank you, Mom.

Getting Shorty Home

I was very busy in the weeks leading up to this road trip with putting together a beautiful habitat for Shorty. I purchased a 120-gallon tank from Toad Ranch Cages, then outfitted it with a ceramic tile floor, a heat lamp, a UVB lamp, and one more light for brightness. I got a variety of rock and (fake) plant decorations, including a beautiful piece of African wood, for him to climb on. The plants have to be fake because he would try to eat real ones and that wouldn’t be good. 

Plenty of people at pet stores will tell you that a 40-gallon tank is big enough for a bearded dragon, but if you do your research, you’ll learn that if you want to do it the right way, you need a 120-gallon tank. In all honesty, it was pretty expensive getting everything set up, but I plan on keeping Shorty for many years, so giving him a proper home was important to me. He’s been living with us for about 2.5 weeks now and is doing great. I feed him live roaches for breakfast and dinner plus a salad for lunch. His diet will switch to predominantly salads once he reaches 18 months old, but for now, I have to be very comfortable with live roaches. I started ordering them online from DubiaRoaches.com because they’re so much cheaper compared to the local reptile store.

His tank is located in Enzo’s bedroom, which may sound strange, but Enzo’s room is huge and there was plenty of space in there. I didn’t like the idea of putting the tank in any of the rooms on our first floor, and Enzo loved the idea of having a dragon as a roommate. Part of the reason I selected Shorty, amongst all the other options from the Atomic Lizard Ranch, was that he was born on January 28th, which is also Enzo’s birthday. I like to joke that both of my sons were born on January 28th. There was a long stretch during the pandemic when Enzo didn’t like to sleep alone in his room. This went back to our days in Washington, but those days seem to be well behind us by now, and I told him that he never has to be scared again now that he has a dragon in his room to protect him. Here are some recent photos of Shorty.

Shorty getting acclimated to his new home.

Shorty soaking up the heat in his new home.

Shorty in his new home.

My Mom got some amazing photos of Shorty on her iPhone while staying with us this weekend. I think I’m going to switch back to an iPhone sometime in the next year or so.

Up close with Shorty, the Bearded Dragon

Up close with Shorty, the Bearded Dragon

You can see his neck beard well in this shot. That’s why they’re called Bearded Dragons.

Easter Weekend With Friends

Literally, the day after getting home with Shorty, Jessica’s good friend Jody, and her family, came to stay with us for Easter weekend. Jessica and Jody worked together at a restaurant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa over 20 years ago and have remained close friends ever since. I remember when we first started dating, Jessica traveled back to Iowa for Jody and Dave’s wedding. They also came to our wedding a few years later, but until recently, our families had never spent much time together.

Jody and Dave live in Minneapolis with their 12-year-old son Leo, and their 9-year-old daughter June. They flew to Vegas for vacation recently, rented a car, and spent several days in Utah hiking Bryce Canyon, then came back to Vegas to hang out with us for a few days before heading home. Apparently, they had a brutal winter in Minnesota this year, accumulating 84 inches of snow, so they were definitely ready for some warmth and sunshine.

As expected, our families hit it off instantly. Ava and Leo were inseparable, as were Elise and June, but what was probably the most funny was how close Dave and I became. The similarities between us were uncanny and it got to a point where our wives would just roll their eyes when another one was uncovered. We both work in tech, we both play guitar, we both drive a German sport wagon, we both have a tattoo of a lion on our right shoulder, we both carry a switchblade, we both love a fine whiskey, we have similar tastes in music, movies, and food. We have the same political ideals. It just kept going on and on. By the time they were leaving, I gave him a big hug and said “Sorry Dave, but you’re stuck with me.”

They were only with us for two nights, but it was a blast. We took them to two of our favorite restaurants, plus we all went to the Farrel Dillion Comedy Magic show on Saturday night. Jessica and I had already been to that show once before, and we loved it, so we thought it would be a great time for our families to go together. Like myself at the first show, Leo got pulled up on stage to participate. After the magic show, we took them to the Bellagio to see the Spring garden display and the fountain show.

On Easter morning the kids had fun doing an egg hunt both inside and outside the house, then I made a big brunch for everyone. Afterward, we had time for a nice little walk around the neighborhood before they had to get to the airport. In addition to hitting it off with Dave, I also really enjoyed hanging out with Leo. He’s super into music and playing guitar, so I let him play all of my guitars and amps. We even jammed together a few times and I taught him a few new tricks. I think he had a field day playing with all my stuff, but honestly, the pleasure was all mine. I really hope we get to spend more time with their family again soon. We were so simpatico it was crazy. Here are a few photos from their visit.

Easter morning with friends. Leo looks a bit tired.

The kids on Easter morning

Easter friends with our good friends, the Annis family. We had the most amazing weekend with them.

Easter morning brunch

Jessica and Jody, friends for life.

Jessica and Jody

Easter morning with the Annis family. We love them.

Everyone together before heading out

Activities Galore!

Now that the weather is perfect again, we’ve transitioned into a variety of activities, and everyone seems to be loving them. Jessica, Elise, and Enzo are taking a boxing class on Saturday mornings with an ex-professional boxer who now runs his own gym. He trains professional fighters but also trains anyone else looking to learn the sweet science, as well as get a great workout, improve coordination, and learn some quality self-defense. 

Jessica initially signed up just to keep Elise company, because it was Elise who most wanted to try it out. As it turned out, Jessica loved it and convinced Enzo to give it a shot. He now loves it as well, and the whole thing makes me so happy. 

Additionally, Ava and Elise have been participating in a rock climbing class at the local rec center and they are really enjoying it. We just signed them up for another session, and at that point, Enzo will be joining them. Enzo has also recently gotten back into swimming lessons, so he’s staying busy. Soon Ava and Elise will also be joining a dance class. It’s important to us that the kids stay busy with a variety of fun and healthy activities, and the enjoyment they’re having is quite obvious. They just seem happier when they have fun things like this to do, even though it can often be a struggle getting them out the door when all they want to do is chill with their iPad.

Elise with her new boxing gloves. She's doing great and we're so proud of her!

Elise is loving her new boxing class

Ava rock climbing at the rec center

Wrapping Up The School Year

Wrapping Up The School Year

We’re only a few weeks away from closing out another year at school. It’s hard to believe how quickly the years fly by, but there is no question that this has been Ava’s best year in elementary school. The timing is perfect too because this is her last year before heading off to middle school. The improvement she has shown in her test scores this year has been nothing short of amazing, and no one (besides Ava) deserves to take more pride in this than Jessica. After receiving the accommodations she needed in school, the results came quickly. She has teachers who believe in her and the numbers are there to back it up.

In all honesty, this year has been an academic struggle for Elise, but once again, Jessica went to bat for her in a big way, and we are now receiving special accommodations for her as well. We’ve had some heart-to-heart talks with Elise lately about school and we can already see the change in her motivation and work ethic. Her teachers are seeing it as well, so we’re hoping for a strong 5th grade for Elise, just like we saw for Ava.

Enzo has been thriving in second grade and his scores are there to prove it. He’s constantly bringing home tests with 100% scores, but more importantly, I love his work ethic. He’s just like me in the sense that he can’t chill until he gets all of his work completed. Every day after school he’s allowed to relax before doing homework, but he always opts to do his homework immediately. Once everything is complete (and perfect), he can sit down and relax.

This year has been a bit more of a challenge for Jessica, simply because she has to be a teacher, and also a Mom, in her classroom, but it’s going well. She absolutely loves her job and plans on staying put for a long time. It makes me so happy to see her doing something she loves, and it’s still crazy to me how our lives have turned out since moving to Henderson.

Changes At Work

Last month I wrote about how my good friend Devin and I recently decided to start a business. If you’re not already familiar with that, I encourage you to check out the post. Since then, we’ve made a lot of progress and are now close to completing our LLC filing. We decided on the name Cappers, which is short for handicappers and have registered the domain name cappers.ai. Considering the popularity of artificial intelligence, we have decided to brand our business as the AI sports handicapping site. I’ve been hard at work building out a huge database of sports stats for our AI models to consume. Devin has been doing a lot of market research and financial modeling. Everything continues to look good and we’re very bullish on our business model. It’s going to take time before we’re production-ready, but we’re definitely on track and I look forward to providing more updates on this in the near future.

In addition to all the Cappers work I’m doing, I also decided to make a change to my day job. Friday, March 31st was my last day at Microsoft! After eight years I decided it was time for a change, mainly because during my last two years in Teams I was moving further and further into data science, which is an area that I’m simply not passionate about. Due to the Microsoft hiring freeze, I wasn’t able to find a different internal role related to web development, which is my (work) passion, but I did find an excellent opportunity with a company called eviCore, which is a subsidiary of Cigna, in the healthcare industry.

As I’ve learned, the healthcare industry is pretty much recession-proof, which is nice considering how topsy-turvy big tech has been over the past year. There are so many layoffs going on, so when you combine that stress with the stress of not liking the work you’re doing, it gets really tough. I’ve never really prioritized my own mental health because I’ve always been focused on the well-being of my family, but it got to a point where it was destroying me, and those effects were clearly trickling down to my loved ones.

The main reason I started building the website that would become the basis for Cappers was that I missed web development and didn’t want to lose those skills. The main reason I took this new role at eviCore was that the C# and .NET web development work they were hiring me for were extremely similar to the work Devin and I are doing. I knew working with a new group of talented engineers in this space would make me stronger, and consequently, I’m already loving it. I’ve only been there a couple of weeks, but I was lucky enough to land on an awesome team and the company culture is amazing. It’s way less stressful than I’m used to, and we basically only work a 4.5-day workweek. We have something called “Flex Fridays” where, as long as you’re caught up with your work, you get to spend the second half of each Friday learning or working on anything you like.

As far as the work we do, it’s basically all based around providing portals for hospitals and doctor’s offices to use in making determinations on whether medical procedures should be approved or denied. We process millions of these requests from various medical providers each day, and working in the medical industry has already proven to be quite interesting to me. Again, it’s recession-proof, and not having the pressure of meeting Wall Street’s expectations each quarter, and not having to keep up with the pace of consumer innovation has been a huge relief.

The company is based in Nashville, meaning they are two hours ahead of me. My team has a daily meeting at 9:00 am central time, which is 7:00 am for me, but I love it because I work from home, so all I have to do is get on the computer each morning by 7:00, and I’m able to wrap up my work day between 3:30 and 4:00. Jessica and the kids get home from school each day around 3:30, so it’s perfect.

After spending over a decade working at two of the biggest companies in the world, I kinda felt like a free agent. I was ready for a change and going to a smaller company with less stress was extremely appealing. eviCore has over 2,500 employees, so it’s not like they’re a small company, but Microsoft has a quarter million employees, so this is literally 99% smaller. Anything would feel small after all these years at Microsoft and Amazon, and I feel like I’ve earned it. My stress is down and my quality of life is up, and again, this all trickles down to my family.


I know this was a very long post, so if you’ve made it this far, thank you for sticking with me. Again, we’ve got a lot more good stuff to look forward to, so I’m already looking forward to next month’s post. This Thursday night, the Vanderburg school choir, which Ava and Elise have been a part of this whole year, will be singing the National Anthem at the Las Vegas Aviators baseball game. Nana will be joining us for the game, then the next day is Jessica’s birthday. 

I’m so thankful for all the good stuff we’ve had going on lately, and equally as excited for what’s to come. Here are a few more recent photos from this awesome month. See you in May!

Ava in her new "Pan Hat"

Ava with her new “pan hat”

Career day at school. Elise was a Real Estate agent, Enzo was a basketball player, and Ava was a scientist.

The kids recently had a “Career Day” at school. Elise was a Real Estate agent, Enzo was a basketball player, and Ava was a scientist.

Having fun at the movie theater when seeing the new Super Mario Bros movie.

Last weekend we had a blast taking the kids to see the new Super Mario Bros movie in the theater.

Ava's 5th-Grade photo

Ava’s special 5th-grade photo. I can’t believe she’s about to move on to middle school.

Let The Seasons Begin!

An update on everything we have going on as Summer 2022 transitions into Autumn.

Happy Fall Equinox! The beginning of Fall is my favorite time of year, mainly because the weather in September is so nice, football season is back, baseball is getting interesting, and the basketball and hockey seasons are right around the corner. This is “cooking season” for me as well; I frequently begin my Sunday morning in the kitchen, working on something that will slow cook all day and make the house smell so good.

There’s a big rumor going around that the NBA will soon be announcing an expansion to the league by adding two teams, and the lucky cities are Seattle and Las Vegas! I’d love to see Seattle get the Sonics back, and having our own pro basketball team here in Vegas would be awesome. We’re already the fight capital of the world, we have pro football and hockey, and Formula One will start doing a Las Vegas street race, part of which is on the strip, in November 2023. Rumors about the Oakland A’s moving here have also been circulating for years, so I can’t wait to see how it all plays out.

Family Update

Regarding our family, everyone is doing well, and as the name of this post implies, the lazy days of Summer are behind us, and we’re back to having full schedules. Ava has decided not to return to hockey, and we respected her decision. She is now part of a Volleyball class that meets every Tuesday evening and seems to be enjoying it. She’s tall for her age, so volleyball would be a great sport for her to stick with, but I expect her to join another softball team in the Spring as well.

School has also been going very well for Ava. She is now in Jessica’s class and is thriving for the first time in her academic career. Although she is brand new to the school, she became the most popular kid in her class on day 1. People are naturally attracted to Ava, and seeing her thrive at school is so nice. She just went on the 5th-grade camping trip to Pali Adventures in Southern California; it was a great time for her and a chance to meet more kids from the new school. Obviously, Ava deserves a ton of credit for her newfound success at school, but so does Jessica. She worked very hard to make this happen, and seeing it all start to pay off makes me happy.

Ava Pellegrini on her way to Pali Adventures in Southern California.
Ava on the bus for her school camping trip

Elise is also doing well at her new school. She makes friends so quickly and easily that it seems like every week, we’re taking her to another birthday party. One of the areas she has improved in the most is spelling. This was a subject that she struggled with in previous years, but now she is regularly getting A’s on her spelling tests and has set a goal of winning the class spelling bee.

As far as activities for Elise go, she is very excited to be joining an all-girls running club, which is put on by the school. There are several runners on Jessica’s Mom’s side of the family, so it appears Elise (and Enzo, I think) has gotten those genes. She is surprisingly fast and can run longer distances than any of her friends. I recently took her out to get a nice pair of running shoes, which is no easy task because Elise has wide feet and is very particular about how they fit. Luckily, she can wear a women’s size now, so I was able to find a pair of Asics that worked perfectly for her. I’m really excited for her to get started and can’t wait to come to watch her run!

Elise Pellegrini baking desert at home
Elise sharpening her baking skills at home
Elise Pellegrini climbing a rope ladder
And here’s Elise having fun at a jumping place

Enzo is also doing very well at his new school. He’s our little math wiz and regularly scores around the 90th percentile nationally for his age group in math. He takes after Grandpa Elmer and myself in that sense. He’s doing well in other subjects too, but it’s clear that math is his strongest subject, so we want to cultivate that as much as possible. He says he wants to be a software engineer when he grows up so he can “work a lot and make a lot of money.” I wonder where he gets that from…

A few weeks ago, Enzo joined a new swimming program through the city of Henderson. We were lucky enough to get a spot at the Green Valley community center, which is less than 10 minutes from our house. At this point, he has already surpassed me in formal swimming instruction. Although he has expressed an interest in running when he gets older, for now, it seems to be all about swimming. I always assumed it would be BMX racing for Enzo, but I love that he’s so into swimming.

Enzo Pellegrini at the Green Valley Ranch arcade.
Fun at the arcade with Enzo
Enzo Pellegrini chilling at home
Enzo chilling at home with his tablet

At this point, all three of the kids are strong swimmers. Between all the lessons they have taken, and all the time we spend swimming at home, I have little to worry about them in the water. We still take water safety very seriously, though; the kids know about my good friend Spencer who drowned in Lake Washington many years ago. Swimming was a life skill that Jessica and I insisted on, and I love the fact that it has become the activity that the kids and I do together the most.

Things have also been going well for Jessica. Summer flew by, but she loves her job, especially now that the kids are with her all day. Her dedication to her job has impressed me; it’s not uncommon for her to work on school-related things at home during her free time. The school is extremely lucky to have her in this position, and they know it too. They keep asking her if she wants to move up into another role, but at least for now, she is quite happy where she is.

Our days are extremely busy, but we have a nice routine going. Every morning I help prepare the kids for school, then I start my workday once they head out the door. I usually wrap up my workday an hour or two after they get home from school, then Jessica and I team up to help the kids with homework and make dinner. The school they went to last year assigned literally zero homework, but now at this new school, homework is a daily thing. It seems strange considering that both schools are part of the same district and teach the same grades, but it’s clear that the kids are doing better in school because of the homework.

By the time homework and dinner are finished, we’re all pretty spent. We tend to hang out and watch a little TV at night, then we’re off to bed early and ready to do it all over again the next day.

Vegas Showbiz Update

If you follow the Vegas Showbiz YouTube channel, you may have noticed that our video production volume has recently slowed down. This is by design, but it’s only a temporary thing. Allow me to explain.

When I started Vegas Showbiz last October, my original plan was based on a website allowing you to search for Las Vegas events and shows. I worked extremely hard on it for three months and still consider it my crowning achievement as a software engineer, but the problem was that I quickly realized a couple of things:

  1. Running a site like that is expensive due to all the background operations running to gather event data.
  2. It was too much work for one person to handle as a side hustle, and I wasn’t in a position to hire employees.
  3. It’s nearly impossible to compete with Google when it comes to any kind of web search business.

Based on this, I switched gears and started focusing on content production. I built a new website for VegasShow.biz that would be much more focused on blog articles and search engine optimization and created the YouTube channel. 

At first, I was pulling double duty by writing blog articles and making videos, but it soon became too much work to keep up with, especially considering how busy I already am with work and family commitments. I was enjoying the process of making YouTube videos more than writing blog articles, so I made a conscious decision to take a break from the blog and focus entirely on YouTube videos.

About four months went by, and I was so focused on video production that I basically forgot all about the website. Then, one day in August, I randomly decided to log in to the back end of the website and was surprised to see that even though I had done zero work on the site for four months, the site had made a little money due to the Google advertisements that run all over it. It was less than $10, so we’re not talking about anything significant here, but it was enough for me to realize how profitable a blog can be.

The site was (and still is) getting very few hits, but this article I wrote about the Rio Hotel was getting most of the traffic. Soon enough, I realized that if you search for something similar to “is Rio Las Vegas closing,” my article is the number one search result on Google! This was exciting to see and somewhat reinvigorated me to start writing more Las Vegas blog posts. I have since written three new blog posts for VegasShow.biz and will soon be starting another one.

On the YouTube side of things, we have now produced 65 videos, 15 of which have over 1,000 views. Not bad for a channel that’s only six or seven months old. When you look at those 15 most-watched videos, it becomes clear that our most successful videos fall into one of the following categories:

  • Las Vegas Shows
  • Las Vegas Concerts
  • Las Vegas Hotels
  • Las Vegas Restaurants

Everything else we do seems to get minimal views, so it’s clear to me that I’m wasting my time producing a video unrelated to those four categories. There’s one small problem, though; to make a video about any of those things means you have to spend money to do the thing first. It was getting a little expensive going to all these shows, concerts, hotels, and restaurants. Luckily, however, I think I have found the perfect solution. Enter HouseSeats.com.

My Mom and friend Devin had both told me about HouseSeats a while ago, but I didn’t get serious about it until recently. The idea is that HouseSeats runs in a handful of cities throughout the country; you pay a relatively small fee to sign up for a membership, then you monitor their site to see what tickets are available. As Devin put it, the Vegas B-rate shows always offer free tickets on HouseSeats, and at least once a year, you will score free tickets to a show or concert that you would have gladly paid to see anyway.

It seems to me that Las Vegas would be the best city to have a HouseSeats membership in due to all the ticketed shows that are constantly happening. I really want to see those b-rate shows, too, because people search for things like that when planning their vacation. I haven’t yet signed up for a HouseSeats membership, only because it’s good for one year, and I already have things planned for Vegas Showbiz videos during the next two weekends. After that, however, I’m definitely going to sign up and can’t wait to start attending more shows!

I expect the Vegas Showbiz YouTube channel to be back in high gear very soon. My goal is to qualify for the YouTube partner program by the middle of 2023. In the meantime, another goal of mine is to write a VegasShow.biz blog article for every successful video we have produced so far. It’s clear to me that I need more balance between Vegas Showbiz videos and blog articles going forward, so that’s how I plan to operate from now on.

Pellegrini Guitar

Since I thrive on being busy and love the content creation process, I recently decided to start another blog and YouTube channel. This time, it’s all dedicated to my love of the guitar. Since then, I have been writing blog articles on PellegriniGuitar.com and adding videos to the Pellegrini Guitar YouTube channel. If you could help me out by subscribing to the YouTube channel, I would greatly appreciate it!

My love of the guitar is much older than my love for content creation, and I still practice daily, but over the past few years, I have found myself trying to figure out what’s next for me musically. Playing in a band doesn’t suit my lifestyle these days, so I had mainly been focusing on recording my own songs and posting them to my SoundCloud account. The problem is that practically no one was hearing my songs, so I frequently questioned why I still practice every day. I’ve always loved playing, but that alone wasn’t enough.

I needed a new sense of musical purpose, which is exactly what this blog and channel provided. Now I know what I’m practicing for; the next video! Playing on camera can be a little bit nerve-wracking, and I still don’t think I’ve played my best on any of the videos, but I’m getting better. Most importantly, though, I’m enjoying it so much! I have a passion for the instrument, which I hope shines through in my videos and articles, even when my playing isn’t quite up to par.

Based on all the guitar gear I’ve been collecting over the years, my main video focus for Pellegrini Guitar so far has been doing demos of different guitars. Once those are out of the way, I will probably demo some of my amplifiers and effects pedals, but I also want to start creating my own guitar lesson series. I’m still working out the details, but I plan to provide free lessons on YouTube as my little way of giving back to the guitar community. 

While there is certainly no shortage of free guitar lessons on YouTube, I still think I have something to offer. I’m trying to develop a unique approach to teaching the instrument to beginners and look forward to actually creating the lessons. For now, it’s all conceptual, but I’m getting more comfortable playing on video, plus learning how to create the best possible sound quality in my videos.

My new Gibson SG. This was my first guitar purchase since the Japan trip, which was almost exactly three years ago.

It’s become clear to me that content creation can be a very lucrative business model if you’re willing to put in the work. Assuming you’re not already famous or well-known for a particular thing, it’s going to take a lot of time to build up the kind of traffic you need to be profitable. It’s not the kind of thing I would recommend to someone trying to figure out how they’re going to pay the bills next month, but if you’re patient and you have a passion for the content you’re creating, success can happen.

I’m in it for the long haul and am not particularly worried about how much traffic I’m getting in this first year. My goal is to do another 10-15 years in the tech industry while building up Vegas Showbiz and Pellegrini Guitar. Hopefully, I can retire from tech in my early to mid-50s and then focus on my content platforms. 

It’s possible that one platform will take off and require all of my attention, but we’ll see. I could see either (or both) of them doing really well; E-Learning is one of the hottest industries in the world now, raking in billions of dollars annually. Based on this, I could see Pellegrini Guitar taking off, but on the other hand, Las Vegas is quickly transforming into Hollywood 2.0. Tons of people from Hollywood are moving here regularly. Even A-List stars like Mark Whalberg are relocating here. As more and more people flock to Las Vegas and the entertainment scene here jumps up to the next level, it seems very possible that Vegas Showbiz could ride that wave to success.

I have no concerns at all because I know that as long as I keep putting in the work with these platforms and my day job, everything will be fine. Probably more than fine. I think there’s going to be even more exciting news coming up over the next few months, but we’ll have to wait and see how things play out. For now, we couldn’t be better. Everyone is thriving and happy, which is all I care about.

That’s about it for now. Thanks for sticking with me on this long post. Here are a few recent photos.

The Pellegrini family at a Las Vegas Aviators baseball game.
Family fun at the Las Vegas Aviators baseball game
Ava and Elise Pellegrini at a park in Henderson, Nevada
Ava and Elise playing at the park
Michael, Ava, and Jessica Pellegrini
Sending Ava off to camp at Pali
Elise and Enzo Pellegrini being silly in the car.
Elise and Enzo playing with Mom’s phone on the way to school

Our first school year in Nevada

A quick update on the kids finishing their school year, Summer plans, and a recent epic night in Las Vegas.

It’s hard to believe our first school year in Nevada has come and gone. It’s been a busy and exciting year for our kids, and we’re so proud of how well they have adjusted to their new lives in Henderson. Whether it be taking Ava to early morning archery, working with Elise on projects, or Enzo splitting his face open during recess, there has been no shortage of activity or excitement during our first whole school year here.

Our last full day of school!

Since our last update, Ava has been particularly busy; she was part of the school’s archery club, which met twice a week before school began. None of us had ever been exposed to archery before, but when given the opportunity, she jumped at it. She said she enjoyed it but isn’t dying to continue with it long-term.

Ava also recently finished her first season of softball. She joined a team through the city of Henderson, and they ended up taking first place in their league. There were only three teams in her age group, but more importantly, she had fun, made new friends, and really started to enjoy the game. I felt bad about Ava’s experience on the hockey team last Fall, so it was great to see her out there having fun again. Softball this year was a much less serious type of environment, which is exactly what she needed right now.

Elise and Enzo stayed busy with swimming lessons earlier in the year but have been away from them for the past couple of months. So we’re looking into stepping it up by enrolling them in a private swimming school rather than going through the city. Enzo especially has expressed a desire to compete in swimming, so hopefully we can continue taking steps in that direction. Elise definitely enjoys swimming, but baking is still her favorite activity. This is something we all benefit from 😉

Crazy hair day was hilarious

As usual, the kids have a fun Summer road trip coming up with Grandma and Grandpa Martin. They will be heading to Utah for a week of camping in mid-June, and since the kids won’t be home, Jessica and I have decided to visit family and friends in Seattle at the same time. It will be exactly a year since our move, and we’re excited to see everyone.

We recently had a nice Mother’s Day celebration with both of our Moms. Amy came to town to go with Jessica to the final night of Michael Buble’s Las Vegas residency at Resorts World. They had a great time at the show, then the following day, Amy, my Mom, and all of our family went out to brunch at a restaurant in Boulder City. There was a little street fair going on that day, which we browsed for a bit, but the wind was so extreme that we eventually decided to call it a day before one of us blew away for good.

The weather has been heating up here lately, and we’ve already had several days of triple-digit heat. So it’s great to be able to start enjoying the swimming pool again. I learned a lot about maintaining it over the past year, and now I’ve got it running quite smoothly. 2022 will be our first whole Summer with a pool, so I had to be ready. Last Summer was an introduction, but we only got half the season. Now it’s on for real!

Overall, things have been going great; we’re just keeping busy and documenting as much of it as possible. We’ve been having fun creating videos for the Vegas Showbiz YouTube channel, and I have to give Jessica a lot of credit because she has taken on the role of creative director. Most of the videos we do these days are based on her ideas. It’s been fun collaborating on these projects together, and we love watching the channel continue to grow.

Jessica and Michael Pellegrini making videos for Vegas Showbiz
Having fun making Vegas Showbiz videos

Jessica and I recently got to hang out with friends from Seattle who were visiting Las Vegas for a few days. The husband in that group is a high roller at the casinos here, and we were fortunate enough to experience the VIP side of Vegas like never before. Luckily I had my camera with me and captured enough content to make 5 or 6 videos for Vegas Showbiz. 

We visited comped VIP suites in Cosmopolitan (up on the 51st floor overlooking the Bellagio fountains), Wynn, and Palazzo. They even let Jessica and I have their suite on the top floor of the Mirage for a night! This was probably the nicest hotel room either of us had ever stayed in. The only one that would even compare would be our wedding night room at Hotel Andra in Seattle, but that was our wedding night, and this was a random Thursday in Vegas.

As I was driving everyone in Jessica’s van from Cosmopolitan to Mirage, our friends received an invitation to head over to Wayne Newton’s house for cocktails. I’m not kidding. This happened literally while they were in our car, so I’m like, “Do you need a ride?” Fortunately for us, they declined the invitation, and our epic night continued.

Everything that night was comped. There were multiple dinners, drinks, tickets to see The Beatles LOVE show, and rooms at four different hotels. I’ve never seen or experienced anything like it, but it shows how much each casino is willing to do when they want someone’s business. We’ve had plenty of experiences in Vegas over the years, but this type of VIP treatment was a first.

That’s it for now. Please keep an eye on the Vegas Showbiz YouTube channel because we’ve got so many new videos to produce. We’ll be reviewing all the hotels, shows, and concerts as quickly as possible. Here are a few more recent pics. See you next month!

Ava Pellegrini with our cat Peach
Ava and Peach getting some quality time
Jessica and Michael Pellegrini out in Las Vegas
Out and about in Vegas
Pellegrini family swimming time
Swimming season has arrived!