Yesterday we returned home after spending a few days in Northern Idaho visiting the Silverwood theme park. Although the kids had already been there a couple times on previous Summer road trips with Grandma and Grandpa, this was our first time going as a family, and it was the first time Jessica and I got to go.
We left on Sunday morning and basically just drove east on I-90 all the way to Coeur d’Alene. That day ended up being the hottest day in Seattle in 11 years, so it was the perfect day to be in our nice air conditioned van. Even though we stopped a couple times we still made really good time and ended up arriving in Coeur d’Alene too early to check into our hotel, which was about 10 minutes north of the lake.
We had heard good things about the public park at the lake, and since we had time to kill, we decided to go hang out there for a bit. It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, but honestly it was a bit shocking because not only was it packed with thousands of people, but literally no one besides our family was wearing a mask, even though there were signs everywhere telling you to do so. It was culture shock for us because we’re coming from Western Washington, where everyone in public is wearing a mask, and now suddenly it’s the exact opposite.
While I certainly understand the concept of distancing while outdoors, and not needing to wear a mask when doing so, trust me when I say this definitely was not happening. Not only were people all packed together around and in the water, but there was a country music concert going on in the park with hundreds of people gathered around to watch. Being literally the only people wearing masks meant we were receiving a lot of stares. I’m normally not that aware of people around me in public but this was blatant, and I’ve never felt like such a minority in my life.
In addition to the lack of masks, there was an entire family (kids included) selling Trump t-shirts in the park, and the singer of the country band kept making remarks about “free country” and “honky tonk”. I’m certainly not passing judgement on anyone and was just there to relax for a bit after driving all day, but it was so drastically different from what we’re used to that it was hard to believe. It wouldn’t have been bad if it weren’t for all the blatant stares we were receiving, but whatever. As it turned out this would end up being the most uncomfortable portion of the trip.
After an hour or so at the park we made our way to the hotel, the Triple Play Resort, and were instantly impressed with all the attractions. There was a Go Kart track, bumper boats, mini golf, an indoor water park, a ropes climbing course, laser tag, laser maze, a bowling alley, video arcade, and more! We already had a free day planned for the middle of our stay and we instantly decided that we would be spending that entire day at the hotel taking part in all these activities. Also, since we had nothing to do that first evening, we decided to spend it at our hotel’s water park. For that entire evening we were going down water slides and swimming in the wave pool. Definitely a fun way to start things off.
It was 100 degrees on Monday, which was the hottest day of the trip, so we decided it would be the perfect day to spend at Silverwood’s water park. We got there right when they opened at 11:00, found a nice shady spot under a tree to spread out our stuff, and proceeded to spend the next 7 hours going down slides, floating in the lazy river, and swimming in the wave pool.
The girls made a friend that ended up hanging around with us off and on throughout the day and everyone had a blast. We were diligent all day with the sunscreen and consequently no one got burned, even though we were out in the intense heat all day long. It was the perfect Summer day, and overall probably my favorite day of the trip. I grew up going to water parks every Summer so they will always hold a special place for me.
Tuesday was our day to chill at the hotel, but there was so much to do we certainly never felt bored. I loved taking the kids out in the Go Karts, and was so impressed with how well they all did on the ropes course. There was an interactive 3D video game that we ended up playing 4 or 5 times throughout the day, and we even made it back to the hotel’s water park that evening. Other than getting lunch and dinner, we never left the hotel that day, but it was still a super fun day and everyone was exhausted by bedtime.
Wednesday we were back at Silverwood, this time at the theme park for a day full of rides and roller coasters. It was a bit cooler that day, although it still reached a high of 92 later in the afternoon. Once again we found a shady spot under a tree to spread out a blanket and leave our stuff. That way we had a home base for snacking and relaxing throughout the day.
We started things off by letting the kids go on some little rides, then we made our way over to the roller coaster park for the big stuff. Ava, Elise and I did a ride called the Panic Plunge where you get strapped into a seat and taken straight up about 300-400 feet. As soon as you reach the top you hear a click and immediately you start falling down so incredibly fast. Ava says she screamed the whole way down but honestly I have no recollection; I was too scared to scream. Jessica says the look on my face once we came to a stop was priceless. All I know is everyone in line looked at me and busted out laughing, then after the laughter subsided this teenage kid who was waiting in line said “I’m not going”.
We spent the rest of the day doing all the rides, sometimes multiple times each. Once again we were there for nearly 7 hours, so it was a very full day. As promised, we took the kids shopping at the gift shop and they were each thrilled with what they picked out. Elise got a stuffed goat whom she named Toby, Enzo got a Silverwood hoodie sweatshirt, and Ava got two little things: a mood ring and a pair of BFF necklaces – one for her and one for Elise.
That night we had dinner at this great little Italian restaurant near the hotel called Radici Italian Bistro. They put us in a private room and we ate like kings. Calamari, caprese salad, pizza and chicken for the kids, eggplant parmesan for Jessica and I. Each of the kids loved the calamari and Enzo discovered a new love for fresh mozzarella cheese and balsamic vinegar. It was the best restaurant meal we’ve had this entire year and was the perfect way to finish things off.
Yesterday morning we got packed up fairly early and hit the road. It was an easy drive home, and even with more stops than we made on the way there, we were still home within 6 hours. The best stop was at the scenic view looking over the Columbia River. Overall I was very impressed with how well everyone handled the road trip. Certainly there were some “Are we there yet?” moments, but overall it was great and I expect us to be doing more of these in the future. We have the perfect van for it because the kids can relax in the back watching movies while Jessica and I talk up front. Getting our new cartop carrier was a game changer as well because we now have so much space for our stuff.
The only part of the trip that was a little off putting was the initial experience at the park in Coeur d’Alene. In looking back at it my feelings are torn; on one hand it felt a lot like our overall national attitude towards the pandemic, which is if you just ignore it then it won’t exist and there’s nothing to worry about. On the other hand, the whole point of this trip was for us to get away and have a little fun. We’ve been playing by the rules for 6 months, have barely left our house, and deserved a getaway like this, especially considering our Disney trip is on hold until at least Spring 2021. Ultimately I’m glad we went, and nothing could make Jessica and I happier than seeing the kids having so much fun. We felt like we needed this, and that we deserved it, so it was great to finally come through for once this year.
Now that the trip is over, for all intents and purposes, our Summer is done as well. Monday Jessica will be resuming home school with the kids, but we’re going to ease our way into it over the first couple weeks. We’re now very much looking forward to our kittens coming home, which should be in the next 3-4 weeks. We took a lot of photos on the trip, so here are our favorites.