Chances are if you’re a regular reader of this blog, then the news I’m about to share is something you’re already aware of, but regardless Jessica and I are excited to publicly share with the world that we have recently finalized the decision to relocate our family to Las Vegas this Summer! In all honesty, this isn’t something that we’ve been considering for a long time, but after my recent trip down there to visit my Mom, I came home and asked Jessica if our lives have changed enough in the past year that a move like this would now make sense. After discussing it in detail, we both agreed that it did.
The reality is that, although we certainly have thrown around the idea of moving in the past, we really felt like it was no longer an option, and I distinctly remember Jessica and I talking a few years ago when she said “that ship has sailed”. We were happy with the decision to stay put in the Pacific Northwest and that was that, but then the pandemic hit and so many things in our lives began to change.
For starters, I’ve been working remotely for over a year now, and the tech industry (along with many others) has changed permanently. People that worked remote used to be the outliers and the exception to the rule, but that’s no longer the case. At this point many companies use remote work as a selling point when trying to recruit you, and I was relieved after talking with my new manager when he said he had no problem with me working remote indefinitely. It sounds like after our campus is back to being fully open I will be making regular trips every month or two up to Redmond so I can see everyone and get some face time, but that’s still a ways off.
The other big pandemic-related work change for us is the fact that Jessica is no longer working at El Gaucho. Technically she could go back now that they have reopened, but she has more than enough on her plate with homeschooling the kids, and frankly, we don’t feel like Seattle is safe enough for her to be going there alone at night time. The decline of Seattle since we moved back from San Diego in late 2012 has been drastic and disheartening. It’s gone from a city we loved and will always have nostalgic memories of, to a disgusting and unsafe dump that we want nothing to do with. I know that sounds harsh, and I don’t even feel good saying it, but it’s true. Anyone who hasn’t been to Seattle in a long time would be shocked at what has become of it.
One good thing about being on the outskirts of Seattle, however, is that our house has appreciated considerably since purchasing it in 2014. As I’ve always said, the only way to take advantage of that equity is to move far away though, because the next step up in houses here is ridiculously overpriced. That said, we can take that equity down to Las Vegas and get the type of home we never even dreamed of living in. The homes we’re looking at down there are big, beautiful, and for now we have our sights set on having our own swimming pool.
There’s a big family aspect to this move, most of which is good, but some is bittersweet. Obviously my Mom is over the moon about us moving close to her, and as her only child, it feels so good to be able to give this to her. I want to be there for her as she gets older, and I don’t think there’s anything in the world I could do to make her happier, but it goes further than that. Amy and Tom frequently like to drive their RV to us, and that drive just got cut in half based on this move. Additionally, Rick and Chris frequently fly out from Cedar Rapids, but when traveling to Seattle they have to take a connecting flight because there are no non-stop options. That all changes with us in Las Vegas. Not only is it easier for them to come to us, but it also becomes viable for us to put the kids on a non-stop flight to Cedar Rapids, with them waiting at the gate on the other side. The idea of our kids getting more time with their grandparents is really appealing to us because Jessica and I both grew up spending a lot of time at our grandparents houses, and we have always wanted that for our own children but so far it hasn’t been an option.
Another benefit for Jessica and I specifically is that we are going to start getting so much more time to ourselves. Since becoming parents, we’ve never had a grandparent nearby to drop off the kids with and go out to dinner, so we usually only do that kind of thing when one is in town. That’s all about to change, and obviously Las Vegas has so much to offer in terms of dining and entertainment.
Another thing we’re excited about is going on more road trips. Las Vegas is a central location with a lot of cool destinations within a few hours. You can be in Southern California in 5 or 6 hours, the Grand Canyon is only a few hours away, Utah has places like Zion and Moab, and New Mexico is a place we would love to check out. Jessica’s van is the perfect road trip vehicle, so we’re looking forward to taking more advantage of it.
Finally, not only do we get a lot closer to family from this move, but we have some amazing friends in Las Vegas who are really excited about this change. Devin, Tiko, and Tina are friends that we love and can’t wait to spend time regularly with. Tiko and Tina have two young daughters, so being able to get the kids together is going to be good for everyone.
As mentioned, it definitely is bittersweet though because we have family and friends in the Seattle area that we hate to leave. People like my nephew Kallan, Uncle Jim and Aunt Brenda, Kristy, Beto, and Madi are all going to be missed deeply, but we’ve tried to make it clear that we are buying a bigger home with a guest room, and they all always have a place to stay in Las Vegas whenever they want it.
Although it’s been difficult to share the news with plenty of people, so far everyone we’ve told has totally gotten it. We just want more for our family and based on the way things have changed in the past year, we have a lot more options now. It’s been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster so far, but overall the kids are really excited. We’ve promised Ava and Elise can have their own bedrooms, and Enzo was sold as soon as he found out they do BMX bike racing all year long in Vegas.
As far as the timeline goes, we met with our real estate agent on Friday and decided that it makes most sense to list and show the house while we’re on our Disney World trip in May. That way we will all be out of the house, including the cats, so the agent can stage the home and hold open houses, then when we return we can evaluate offers. Based on how hot the real estate market is here, we expect the house to sell quickly, and most likely for more than our asking price.
If all goes according to plan, we will be moving out sometime between June 15 and July 1. We’ll be using a moving POD to send most of our stuff down there, but we’re also going to rent a small Uhaul trailer to tow behind the van. One of us will drive the van with the kids, and the other will drive my car with the cats. Rather than get down there as quickly as possible, we’ve decided to break the trip up into 3 days. We’ll go to Boise, ID on day 1, which is about 8 hours, then from Boise to Salt Lake City on day two, which is about 5 hours. On day 3 we will then drive from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas, which is about 6 hours.
One of the things we’re going to try to figure out as soon as possible is whether we can do a “double move”, meaning we sell our house and purchase the new house before we get there, or if we need to stay somewhere when we get to Las Vegas while we house hunt. This part is yet to be determined but we’ll see how it goes. As it is, things have been moving very quickly since we finalized our decision, and I have no doubts that it will all come together nicely.
Certainly there will be many more updates on this in the coming months, but for now all I can say is that we’re so excited for this new chapter in our lives. This is a life changing event for everyone in our family, and we don’t take that lightly, but we’re trying to do what we think is best for our family given our current situation. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s certainly going to be memorable, and we’re happy to be able to share this experience with our friends and family.
Although all this moving stuff has been dominating our lives recently, we’ve still had some other fun and exciting stuff going on. Today is Easter Sunday, so we started off our day with a neighborhood egg hunt, then Kristy, Beto, and Madi came over to spend the day with us. Sharing the news about our move with them was tough but they totally understood, and it sounds like they’re looking forward to coming down for visits. We spent most of the day hanging out, playing games and cooking. I made a couple dishes from the vegan cookbook they got us for Christmas, then we put together candy chicken coops, which are basically the Easter version of Gingerbread Houses.
Yesterday was our 11th wedding anniversary, but we felt like we had too much going on in terms of packing and yard work to do any celebrating. We figure we’ll celebrate in Disney World, as well as once we get down to Vegas. That said, it was still fun to stop and reflect about all the adventures we’ve had in these first 11 years, and what is yet to come.
April Fool’s Day was probably more memorable this year than any year previously. Jessica and I taped plastic wrap in front of the kids’ bedroom doors, but Elise was the only one who fell for it and walked face first into it. Enzo saw it and ducked under, while Ava doesn’t remember seeing it yet somehow mysteriously got through it unscathed.
For breakfast that morning each kid was served a frozen bowl of cereal, and after lunch they were promised brownies, but what they really received were instances of the letter E cut out of brown construction paper and served on a plate. Later that afternoon they even got me by hiding all of our Jiu-Jitsu stuff. I was trying to get us ready for class and couldn’t find anything, so they all got a kick out of watching me freak out for a few minutes.
So, I guess that’s basically it for now. I know this was a long one, but it was important to me that I thoroughly explain our thoughts behind the decision to move. Not only for everyone who will be seeing this now, but for our kids, who will be reading this someday in the future. While they do understand it to a certain degree right now, I think this will shed more light on the situation when they’re older. I expect next month’s post to be a long one as well because we’ll have the whole Disney World trip to talk about, plus most likely our house will have sold!
Here’s a few recent photos from our world.