Michael returns to Microsoft and plans a trip to Seattle. Everyone is getting excited for a week in the Colorado snow.
A lot has happened since my last post. Most notably, I’m excited to announce that today is my first day back at Microsoft! After losing my job unexpectedly on Enzo’s birthday, I got back on the job hunt with a vengeance and was able to find several solid opportunities. One of those was a contracting role with Microsoft and that’s the one I chose. Obviously, I have a lot of experience there, so my goal at this point is to do so well in this contracting role that they decide to bring me back on as a full-time employee.
Strangely enough, today would be my dad’s 97th birthday, so I lost my job on my son’s birthday and then started my new one on my dad’s birthday. It was March 2nd, 2015, the 20th anniversary of his passing, when I originally started at Microsoft, and now here we are a full 10 years later and I find myself returning after being gone for almost two years. I will be working on a project in the AI space, which should allow me to make a notable impact, so I’m very excited to get started!
In a couple of weeks, they’re flying me up to Redmond for an in-person event, so I’m doing my best to make plans with a bunch of friends and family while I’m there. I won’t have a car, so I’m mostly relying on people coming to me, but so far it’s looking good. I wish the rest of my family could join me, but that’s not possible at this time. I’ll be heading up to Seattle on the night of Saturday, March 8th, and staying the night with my cousin Kristy. The following morning we will head down to Tacoma to visit Uncle Jim and Aunt Brenda, then later that afternoon my good friend Michael Rico will pick me up at Kristy’s house and have me over for dinner at his place. The rest of the week I’ll be at my hotel in Redmond, which is only a mile from the Microsoft campus, before heading home on Friday evening. It will be a quick turnaround because that Sunday morning we will be driving up to Colorado for a week at Amy and Tom’s place. We always love going up there and they will still have plenty of snow for the kids to play in.
The other big thing going on in my world is that we just started the new softball season, and as mentioned in a previous post, I am now the head coach of Ava’s team. I helped out at tryouts a couple of weeks ago and evaluated players, then attended the draft last week. We lost half of our team during the off-season because so many girls moved up to the next level, so this is a bit of a rebuild for us. That said, I’m very happy with the new players we have acquired and am excited for this season.
In other family news, Jessica is continuing to crush it at school. She has started interviewing for positions and might have some good news to share in the near future. I don’t want to say anything quite yet, but it’s looking pretty good. The kids are all doing great and staying busy. Elise is enjoying her weekly figure skating lessons, Ava is happy to be back in another softball season, and Enzo enjoys being part of the school choir. The school year is flying by, as usual, but they’re all getting good grades and living their best lives. They’re all excited for our upcoming trip to Colorado, then we’ve got Puerto Vallarta about two months after that!
Sorry I don’t have any photos to share this month. I’m keeping it short and sweet but wanted to share the news about my new job. I expect to have plenty more updates in next month’s post. Until then!
A quick update about my new team at Microsoft, as well as my recent trip to Las Vegas.
After spending the past 6 years at Microsoft working on the azure.com website, today is my last day on the Acom team. I’m certainly not leaving Microsoft, but Monday I’ll be joining the Treasury Engineering team, working on systems related to employee payroll, business-to-business payments, and currency conversion. As the tech industry goes, 6 years is a pretty long time to be on the same team, so I’m excited to get a chance to switch things up by working on new projects with new people.
The funny thing about this new role is that I wasn’t even looking for it; it completely fell in my lap. The manager of the team is someone I collaborated with about 3 years ago when I was assigned to work on startups.microsoft.com, and we have remained friendly ever since. He wasn’t managing a team at that time, but somewhat recently he started managing the Treasury Engineering team and ended up reaching out to me about an opening on his team that he thought I would be a good fit for. Obviously I was flattered about the opportunity, and after hearing more about it I decided that there was a lot of potential for me in this new role. I interviewed a couple weeks later and ended up receiving the offer shortly thereafter.
Anytime you’re making a change like this it’s going to be bittersweet because you become close with the people you’re working with, and there’s a bit of a comfort zone there, but I have no doubts that this change will be good for me. I also think there’s a great life lesson here for my kids to learn from, which is that you should always treat everyone with respect because you never know when the good impression you made will come back around in the form of a new opportunity. I will certainly have more updates about the new role in the coming months once I’ve gotten ramped up, but for now I’m just feeling energized and excited to dig in!
The other exciting thing in my world is that I just got home Wednesday evening from spending 5 days at my Mom’s house in Las Vegas. I hadn’t gotten any one-on-one time with her in years and Jessica was very encouraging of me to get down there for a visit. As expected, it was a great time. We got a lot of quality time together, watched almost all of Schitt’s Creek Season 3, and had some delicious vegan meals. In addition to getting time with her, I got to see my Uncle Bob, plus my friends Devin, Tiko, and Tina. I also got to attend classes at Zenith Jiu-Jitsu, which is a famous school in Las Vegas owned by Robert Drysdale, who is a world champion. I ended up getting a day pass so I could attend a morning class and an evening class on Monday.
On Saturday night Devin had a few of us over to his house to watch UFC and have dinner, then on Tuesday morning he picked me up in his Tesla Model S and we took a drive out to Red Rocks Canyon. I got to drive his 550hp beast on the highway out there, which was obviously a blast. I also bought a beautiful Shoyoroll Jiu Jitsu gi from him that he bought last year and never wore. It’s a limited edition gi called the White Mamba, which was a tribute made in limited numbers after Kobe Bryant’s untimely death. It’s white with purple and gold patches, and just such high quality that I instantly fell in love with it. I wore to class last night and broke it in properly. I even got a blood stain on it, although I’m still not sure whose blood it was and have since washed it out.
While I was away Jessica went out of her way to do a lot of special stuff with the kids. They went roller skating, swimming, got takeout, and rented movies. Overall they had a blast and probably missed me less than I was missing them. Obviously we were all happy to be reunited on Wednesday, and went straight from the airport to Avocados, our new favorite Mexican restaurant, to enjoy a nice dinner together. In addition to making all the classic Mexican dishes we all know and love, they have a nice selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes, so it works well for our family.
Now that the Vegas trip is behind us, our focus moves onto Disney World, which is only 6 weeks away! At this point we’ve been planning the trip for 2 years so we’re super excited to go. The weather in Florida should be beautiful and everyone is ready for some sun and hot weather. Right before that, however, we’ve got Kristy, Beto, and Madi coming over to spend Easter Sunday with us. Madi’s 15th birthday is just around the corner, and based on her new love of cooking vegan food, Jessica and I got her a really nice little chef’s knife from Cutco. It’s a 7” Santoku with a red handle, and I actually have the exact same knife (except mine has a black handle) which Jessica got for me years ago. It’s an awesome little knife so hopefully she loves it.
That’s all for now. I’m intentionally keeping it short because I know we’ll have a lot to write about in the coming months. Here’s a few photos from my trip to Vegas.
Visiting with Uncle Bob and checking out his awesome Seahawks mobileTaking in the views with Devin in Red Rocks CanyonOut for a spin in Devin’s TeslaHad to get a pic with Marcelo Nunes after class at ZenithMy new Shoyoroll White Mamba Jiu-Jitsu giThe kids having fun roller skating with our neighbor AveryLove my mom so much! It was a great trip
For some reason unbeknownst to me, this day, March second, has been a pivotal day in my life on many fronts. I’ve written about it in previous blog posts, and here we are again. Today marks my fifth anniversary at Microsoft, which is something I’m proud of because it’s tough to stick it out at any big tech company on the same team for that long. Additionally, it was 21 years ago today that I started working at El Gaucho, which was my previous career before getting into software engineering. Then above all else, it was 25 years ago today that my dad passed away. I don’t say that out of sadness, but out of love and respect. While I still think of him every day, today is a day to think a little more and pay that much more respect to someone who continues to be an important figure in my life. Years ago this was a sad day for me, but not anymore; now it’s a special day that always causes me to take pause and reflect.
As far as the work stuff goes, I always think of my time at El Gaucho in the same way you hear people talk about their college glory days. In my case it was about as much time as one would spend getting their doctorate, but I always loved it. I’m still close friends with many people I met during that era, and it makes me happy that Jessica is still there. Although we would always be part of the family, I’m glad to continue to be as close to it as we are. I started there as an 18 year old kid with no idea what I was doing, and ended up building a career for myself, while learning a lot of important life lessons along the way. Most importantly, I met my wife during that time and it was a factor in us transitioning to where we are now.
Regarding Microsoft, I continue to be very proud to work there, and can’t believe how much I’ve learned since I started. The work I do today is a far cry from the work I did five years ago, but it continues to be challenging and rewarding. The company has grown significantly during this time, mostly because of Azure, and having an inside look at all of that has been an amazing experience. The tech industry is very competitive and I regularly receive offers to interview with other companies, but I’m thankful for my role at Microsoft and continue to plan on being there for the long-term.
This morning I received an email from Microsoft congratulating me on five years and telling me I could pick a prize. The options were a five-year crystal tower with my name engraved on it, a small cash prize, or I could donate the cash prize to a charity of my choice. I decided to go with the crystal because you see them around on people’s desks looking like a badge of honor. You’re eligible for a new one every five years so it’s cool to be starting my collection now.
While these work anniversaries are great, it’s the one about my dad that I have the hardest time believing. It definitely puts 25 years into perspective because it might as well be a lifetime considering how long ago the whole thing feels. I guess in some ways it was a lifetime. Obviously I wish he could have been around to meet my wife and kids, but I know nothing would make him happier or more appreciative than knowing that he is still very much a part of our lives. The kids definitely know who Grandpa Elmer is because we talk about him regularly. I frequently find myself telling them the same things he used to tell me, and always make sure to attribute him when doing so. Being an older dad, he had a lot of wisdom that he shared with me, and it’s important to me that I regurgitate all that stuff to my own kids.
Again, I don’t want to make this a sad thing because it’s really not. No one lives forever, but it’s the sign of a great person and a great life lived when even all these years later people still regularly talk and think about you. It’s not just me either; my cousin Kenny always tells me he still thinks of ‘Uncle Elmer’ every single day. If you’ve seen the Disney movie ‘Coco’, then you’re probably familiar with ‘Dia de los muertos’ (Day of the dead), and the whole concept of keeping a person’s spirit alive after they’re gone. It was that concept, and the corresponding Mexican artwork, that I settled on when deciding to get my tattoo sleeve in San Diego for my 30th birthday. It was partially about remembering those who are no longer with us, but also a reminder not to take the ones we haven’t lost for granted.
So today, as we mark a quarter century since his passing, I just want to pay respect to a man I continue to idolize. His words and lessons stick with me, and his spirit is very much a part of our family. The children today who bear his last name love him and speak of him regularly. They’ve visited his grave, but more importantly, they’re learning the same life lessons from me that I got from him. Nothing would make him happier.
To end things on a more upbeat note, I want to talk about our upcoming wedding anniversary. On April 3rd Jessica and I will be celebrating 10 years of marriage, and we decided about a year ago that the way we’d like to carry out that celebration was by taking the kids across country to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida! With the kids all between the ages of 5 and 8, we felt like the timing was perfect, so we recently finally broke the news to them. We had considered keeping it a surprise all the way up until the day we were leaving, but ultimately decided to give them about 6 weeks notice. That way we could watch videos of the parks on YouTube and make some plans together as a family.
I have to give Jessica a ton of credit for all the work she has put into planning this vacation for us. It’s practically a part-time job trying to get everything scheduled, but at this point we’re good to go. We decided to go all out because chances are we won’t be going back there again as a family. I’m sure we’ll do Disneyland at some point, but Disney World will probably be a one-time thing. Based on that, we’re staying at one of the Disney hotels, and we got a ‘Cars’ themed suite to stay in. We got the photo package, the meal plan, and plenty of other add-ons. We’ve never done a family vacation like this before and it will be something none of us will ever forget.
We’ll be arriving in Florida on Sunday, April 5th, then doing a park per day starting on Monday. The first day will be Animal Kingdom, the second day is Hollywood Studios, the third day is Magic Kingdom, and the fourth day is Epcot Center, then we’ll be flying home on Friday. We’ll be arriving early each day and having a full morning at the park, then most likely coming back to the hotel in the afternoon for a little rest before heading back to the park for the evening festivities. I’m sure it will be exhausting and crowded, but I have no doubt we’re going to have a great time. I put a video of the kids reacting to the news about our trip on YouTube, which you can see below.
We’re only about a month away now so it will be here before we know it. We’ve still got one final trip to Canada coming up later this month for Ava’s final tournament of the season, and we’re excited to have Grandpa Rick joining us. I may try to write a quick post about that when we get home, but either way you can expect a long post in April after we return from Florida. Bon voyage!
Dad, Lora, Dana, and myself – 1984-ish Dad and I on Lora’s wedding day – 9/12/1992 Dad and his mom, whom we all called Gigi Dad and Gigi – 8/14/1994 My all-time favorite picture of him from Hawaii – 10/18/1994