If it were up to Jessica, no attention would be paid to her birthday this year. Not because she’s freaking out about getting a year older, but because this quarantined Groundhog’s Day we’re living in prohibits any day from feeling especially, well, special. Fortunately however, it’s not up to her! It’s her birthday dammit, and a big one at that, although I’m not dumb enough to start talking about my wife’s age in public. Obviously we’re both well beyond getting super excited simply because it’s our birthday, but at the same time the family blog has become something we love looking back on as a reminder of where we were and what was happening at certain points in our lives. While I doubt we will ever forget this particular time in the world, I still want to take a moment to chronicle and pay respect.
In another week or so, we will have been ‘sheltering in place’ (meaning staying home) for two months. Although the official order from the governor didn’t come in for another couple weeks, we started staying home once I was ordered to work from home, which was at the beginning of March. It’s been a strange couple of months, and certainly there are many things that we miss from our normal lives, but overall things are going well. First and foremost, we all have our health, and that’s not something to be taken for granted these days.
A few days ago Enzo came down with a 102 degree fever (technically it was 101.9). Obviously Jessica and I were very worried because a fever is the most common first sign of Covid-19. He also threw up a couple times, so we immediately got him on a schedule taking children’s Tylenol, and pumping him up with fluids. Luckily the Tylenol broke the fever quickly and within 24 hours he was about 90% back to normal. Since then he has returned completely to normal, so there’s no more reason for concern, and no one else in our house has shown any signs of sickness. Other than that we’ve all been completely normal and healthy throughout this pandemic.
I think it’s safe to say this whole quarantine thing has been far easier on me than it has on the rest of my family. I’m still working full-time, which keeps me grounded in my routine, and I was already working from home 2 days a week, so switching to 5 days a week was no big deal. I just miss taking my kids to the ice rink and jiu-jitsu, plus I miss going to the gym, but I’ve found plenty of other ways to stay busy. Music has been my sanctuary throughout this experience – I’ve never spent so much time practicing and recording.
For Jessica, not being able to work any more has been difficult on multiple levels. There was a sense of guilt for not being able to contribute in that way, and not working means she misses out on a good portion of her social life. It’s a way for her to get away and interact with adults other than myself. Certainly she has found ways to stay busy at home, mostly due to the role she has taken on with homeschooling the kids, but it’s obviously not the same.
What was originally supposed to be a 2 month closure for El Gaucho has now become about 5. They were already supposed to be moving to a new location this Summer, so recently they made the decision to not reopen the Belltown location at all, and wait until the grand opening of the new location, which will be closer to the market, in September. This means it could easily be 5 months off for Jessica. She’s not happy about it but there’s nothing we can do.
Based on all this, she has fully invested herself into homeschooling the kids, and is doing an incredible job. She really deserves so much respect and credit for this. I’ve heard and read plenty of stories about parents who are more qualified to homeschool their kids, but simply don’t have the motivation to do so, and consequently the kids spend all day playing video games. In our case there is no question that the education our kids are getting today is better than what they were getting at school. It’s more focused and personalized, with far fewer distractions. It’s such an improvement that Ava is requesting not to go back to school and remain homeschooled for the foreseeable future. We haven’t made a final decision on this yet but we’re seriously considering it.
As far as the kids go, their resilience constantly impresses me. Their entire worlds have been flipped upside down, yet you wouldn’t know it when speaking with them. Other than the neighborhood kids, they haven’t seen any of their friends in 2 months, they’re getting less exercise, and doing none of their activities. You’d think this would be a recipe for disaster but they’re actually doing quite well. In terms of exercise, I’ve been doing some home jiu-jitsu classes, but not on a regular enough schedule, so that’s changing. We had a 90 minute class at home on Sunday and the girls loved it, so I promised them we’d start doing classes like this at least twice a week.
Just like our normal jiu-jitsu school, we worked on techniques for a while, then at the end I let them spar, and the sparring got pretty epic. Although Elise is younger and smaller than Ava, she has a natural ferocity and toughness that lends itself to martial arts. She would repeatedly take Ava down to the mat, get on her back, and submit her with a rear naked choke. At one point Ava was calling out for help and Elise screamed “There’s no one here to help you!!”
Jessica and I were both right there the whole time and obviously we would never let either of them get hurt, but the competition is good for them on multiple levels. I was recently talking with the owner of our school and he said he’s hoping to reopen in the next couple weeks, so hopefully that works out because we’re all looking forward to getting back in there on a regular basis.
I’d say easily the biggest highlight for the kids during this quarantine has been Easter. Normally we would go up to the Palmer’s house for a big outdoor egg hunt, followed by a delicious dinner, but that wasn’t an option this year. Instead we had a fun indoor egg hunt, way too much candy, and spent pretty much the entire day playing outside. A bunch of neighborhood kids came out to play catch, ride skateboards, and soak up the sun. The kids all said it was the best quarantine day by far, and it made us feel good to give them a day like this, even if it was a break from the norm.
Regarding the ongoing saga of our Disney World trip, we were originally supposed to go in early April for our 10th anniversary, but we ended up postponing it to the third week of May. Unfortunately it had to be postponed again, but we’re committed to making this happen. It’s something we’re all looking forward to, and by the time it actually does happen I think we’ll appreciate it even more.
At this point we’ll be going to Disney World the final week of August, and each time we call them to reschedule, they sweeten the deal even more. When we rescheduled the first time we ended up getting an extra day (hotel and meal plan) added for free. Then when we rescheduled again they refunded the entire cost of the meal plan! This was a considerable expense, but it was their way of showing appreciation for the customers who stuck with them throughout this whole ordeal. We weren’t expecting it, but it was a nice surprise. It’s a bummer to have to wait even longer for this trip, but it’s going to be freakin’ magical once it finally does happen!
While I would have been happy to make a delicious meal for Jessica tonight, she decided what she really wanted was sushi. I think she took pity on me because I’m on call for work this week, so we’re getting takeout from our favorite place. It feels good to help support local restaurants, especially since this is something we’ve done very little of over the past 2 months.
The bummer trifecta of being stuck home for our anniversary and Jessica’s birthday will soon be complete when Mother’s Day rolls around, but there’s nothing we can do besides remain positive and enjoy the time together. While none of us know what the new normal will be, I think it’s safe to say we all have a newfound appreciation for the smaller things. We look forward to seeing friends and family, getting back to our activities, and being able to leave our house just because we feel like it. Jessica will surely never forget this birthday, but I hope she doesn’t look at it in a negative light. She has jumped at the opportunity to once again show what an awesome mom and wife she is, and we love her so much! Happy Birthday my love.

Love reading this. Keep up the good work.