Last night Jessica and I took Ava to the drive–in for a double feature. We never used to go to the drive–in before moving to San Diego but have been quite a few times since. It’s always fun to load up the car with snacks and hang out there for the night, but last night was definitely the most disappointing pair of movies we’ve seen yet. We saw ‘Safe House’ with Denzell Washington and Ryan Reynolds, followed by ‘Contraband’ with Mark Wahlberg. Both movies looked good based on their previews, but both were a disappointment. Neither of us are very tough when it comes to movie critique, but both movies seemed very cookie cutter and predictable. We agreed on the way home that we wouldn’t be interested in seeing either film again and wouldn’t recommend them for anyone else to see. Oh well. It was still a fun way to spend a Saturday night, especially since Ava had never been before. It won’t be long before we’re taking her to see kid movies…
Author: Michael Pellegrini
Jessica back at work
Jessica went back to work at Azul this week. She decided to save the final week of her paid family leave for our family trip to Colorado next month, so Wednesday was her first day back. She was sad to leave Ava but at least she’s with me and not a babysitter. Since we work so close to each other in La Jolla it’s pretty easy to exchange Ava and bring her back to my office at the end of the day when Jessica is going into work. Ava was with me at the office on Friday from 3:00 to 6:00 while I was finishing things off and she couldn’t have been better. Everyone there loves her!
In addition to going back to work, Jessica decided this week to start studying graphic design in order to eventually be able to switch careers and work from home. I had mentioned to her a while back that my company hires contract designers from all around the country that work from home, plus I hire designers to work on my freelance projects, and now that she’s a Mom the idea of working from home on a normal daytime schedule sounds quite appealing. I gave her some books to get started with and she’s been studying hard every day. Since she already has a bachelor’s degree in business marketing, she doesn’t need to go back to school to get into this field; she just needs a really good portfolio of work. I’ve been working on putting together a curriculum for her and it’s been a lot of fun. I can’t wait for the day that she and I can start working together! Jessica has always had a passion for interior design so this should be right up her alley. This new direction is very exciting for both of us and could lead to great things.
Ava is doing quite well these days. She is regularly sleeping for 6–7 consecutive hours each night and seems to have figured out her natural schedule. With Jessica working again, Ava and I are getting a lot more one on one time and I’m loving it. She smiles all the time and behaves better than I ever could have hoped for. We still have some outbursts, like last night when I gave her a bath, but in general she is a very happy baby. Enjoy the new pics below.
Ava’s first Superbowl
We spent Ava’s first Super Bowl Sunday relaxing at home, watching the game, and watching last night’s UFC. I was pulling for the Patriots but the Giants had their number, again. No biggie though, it was a good game and a nice day at home with my girls. We moved into a new office on Friday at work so today Jessica was more than happy to help gather all kinds of sports and music posters around our house and get them ready for me to take to work. I’m also bringing in our old flat screen tv and the Nintendo Wii, plus I’m on the lookout for a mini fridge. We’re making our new office, affectionately known as "The Factory" into the ultimate bachelor pad / production studio. It’s so cool working for a company that wants you to have fun at work and encourages us to decorate as we please.
Here’s a few pics of Ava, Jessica and I taken over the weekend. Happy Monday!
Happy baby
Grandma almost got away with it!
Meal time with Mom
"Watching" the game with Dad
Goodbye Grandma
After spending the last two weeks with us, Grandma Amy went home to Colorado yesterday. We had a great time and are always very thankful of all she does. We’re already looking forward to our annual trip to Colorado, which is only about five or six weeks away. That will be Ava’s first trip on an airplane and her first opportunity to meet a relative other than a grandparent from her mom’s side of the family. Enjoy some of the new pics below.
Big night out
Last night Jessica and I went out to dinner and a movie while Ava stayed home with Grandma and the dogs. We had dinner at Mama Mia, which is a nice little Italian restaurant near our house in Pacific Beach. The place has a great ambiance and the food is amazing, plus all the employees are totally Italian… straight off the boat. The night before we also went out to a nice Italian dinner, this time with Amy, Jessica’s cousin Lauren, her husband John, and their baby girl Malena, who is 10 months old. We had a great time at dinner up in Encinitas, then went to Dave and Buster’s to meet up with a few of my friends from work and play games. I owned the Dance Dance Revolution that night!
Anyway, back to last night, after dinner at Mama Mia, we headed up to La Jolla for the movie. We were early and ended up driving around checking out the eastern parts of La Jolla where it turns into Miramar and Mira Mesa. We’re going to be looking for a home to rent around there so it was nice to check it out a bit. We ended up seeing ‘The Grey’ with Liam Neeson, who is one of our favorite actors. It was a good movie that kept us on the edge of our seats throughout, and even slightly uncomfortable at times. Not exactly the feel good movie of the year, but entertaining none the less.
Today Jessica is getting her first wisdom tooth out. It’s something that is far overdue and I’m glad she is finally taking care of it. The plan is to get the one that is impacted out today, then get the other three out once my dental coverage kicks in a couple months from now. We’re hoping to go for a drive later today and look for houses for rent. Should be a nice weekend.
Ava 2 months old today
Today Ava celebrated her 2 month birthday by having a photo shoot at a studio nearby. She was escorted by Jessica and Grandma Amy and apparently was the most well behaved baby anyone could have imagined. Sounds like a far cry from her first photo shoot in the hospital the day after she was born. The photos turned out so well that the studio asked Jessica if they could post her picture in their shop. She even signed a waiver. I’ll get those pics on here asap. Happy 2 month birthday to our darling baby girl.
This picture was taken by Jessica at home tonight
My First Promotion
Tomorrow is my first day at work under my new title of "Senior Production Developer" at ScrollMotion, Inc.. I’ve been in negotiations with them for a couple weeks and was pleased when they responded to my final requests and gave me the title I was hoping for. This will surely mean more responsibility but I’m fine with that.
Amy has been with us for a few days now and all is well. Ava had a great night last night and was able to sleep for 7 consecutive hours. Hopefully she’s starting to figure out the difference between night and day. I’m back in school but they started me off with only one class and it’s quite easy, which is why I haven’t bothered to mention it on here yet.
I had a meeting with a company called Kirei USA last week about doing some web development work for them. My friend Leigh Anne, who I worked with at The Tractor Room, works there and contacted me a couple weeks ago about possibly doing some freelance work for them. The meeting went well and I’m hoping to get some work out of it. I’m also hoping to get started on a project for my uncle Jim and his business partner Dan very soon. These types of projects will be more difficult once my school work increases so I’m eager to get started on them asap.
That’s about all for now. Jessica is getting ready to go back to work in a couple weeks and Ava is getting bigger every day. She smiles regularly now and nothing brings me more joy than to see her happy little face.
Home from Vegas
Last night we returned home from Vegas after having a great weekend. We made a point to stop at the famous "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign to take Ava’s picture on the way out of town. Sunday night turned out to be a bummer. I had purchased tickets on craigslist that day for Tiko and I to go to the Tool concert and the tickets turned out to be fake. We paid $70 a piece and didn’t even get to see the show. Fortunately we’ve both seen them before, but it was still really lame. Definitely won’t be buying tickets on craigslist anymore.
Other than that, the weekend was great. It was Ava’s first trip to Vegas, and to my mom’s house. Obviously grandma was thrilled to have her baby girl there, especially on Saturday night when Jessica and I went out to the Zappo’s Masquerade with our good friends Brian, Tiko and Tina. That was the first time that both of us have been away from Ava, so it was hard to leave her, but it was nice to get out and have fun with friends. None of us had ever been to a masquerade before and it was really fun.
Today Grandma Amy arrived in San Diego and will be staying with us for two weeks. Jessica is getting her wisdom teeth removed so it will be so helpful to have Amy here with Ava while I’m at work and Jessica is recovering. Ava is lucky enough to get to spend time with both of our mom’s back to back. Should be a fun couple of weeks.
To Grandmother’s house we go!
Since my office is close on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we decided it was time to take Ava on her first trip to Vegas to see Grandma! This is the last three day weekend I’ll have for several months so we wanted to take advantage of it. It looks like we’ll be going with Brian to the Zappos holiday party on Satruday night, then having friend’s over to Mom’s house on Sunday to watch the NFL playoffs. Should be a great weekend!
Pictures of Ava
Just wanted to post a few of Jessica’s daily photos of Ava. Plenty more coming soon!