The joy of moving

Jessica and I have been moving into our new house all week and we’re nearing completion. Each day has gotten progressively longer and more exhausting, but after tomorrow we’ll be at least 90% finished. We met with Amelia on Tuesday afternoon to sign the lease and get the keys, then we made two trips that night after I got home from work. Wednesday evening we made three trips, and last night we made four trips. So far Ava hasn’t been very accommodating; she cries constantly while we’re loading and unloading the car and there’s really nothing we can do besides hurry.

Last night after our third trip we decided to stop at a Mexican restaurant for dinner. Ava was perfectly content to sit there and look around, but as soon as our food arrives she starts crying. Jessica and I were exhausted and hungry so we had no choice but to eat in shifts while one of us tries to calm Ava down. By the time I got home from the fourth trip I was so tired I don’t even remember going to bed. I was probably asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Tonight Jessica is working so I’m going to be watching Ava and making trips to the house to unload more stuff. My fingers are crossed that she’ll be good and won’t cry but I’m not really expecting that to happen. Tomorrow morning we’ve got the Uhaul truck and the help of Jaime and Evan from my work for moving furniture. I’ve also got the Directv and Cox Internet guys coming out to set everything up. Should be another long day but after that all we need to do is clean the old house, and we’ve got a week to do it.

I should mention that the new house looks amazing! Everyday there’s people over there working on it and they’re doing an outstanding job. This is easily the nicest house we’ve lived in and I’m excited to spend the next few years there. I’ll be recording a video tour of the house and posting it here as soon as we get unpacked. Until then…

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