My First Promotion

Tomorrow is my first day at work under my new title of "Senior Production Developer" at ScrollMotion, Inc.. I’ve been in negotiations with them for a couple weeks and was pleased when they responded to my final requests and gave me the title I was hoping for. This will surely mean more responsibility but I’m fine with that.

Amy has been with us for a few days now and all is well. Ava had a great night last night and was able to sleep for 7 consecutive hours. Hopefully she’s starting to figure out the difference between night and day. I’m back in school but they started me off with only one class and it’s quite easy, which is why I haven’t bothered to mention it on here yet.

I had a meeting with a company called Kirei USA last week about doing some web development work for them. My friend Leigh Anne, who I worked with at The Tractor Room, works there and contacted me a couple weeks ago about possibly doing some freelance work for them. The meeting went well and I’m hoping to get some work out of it. I’m also hoping to get started on a project for my uncle Jim and his business partner Dan very soon. These types of projects will be more difficult once my school work increases so I’m eager to get started on them asap.

That’s about all for now. Jessica is getting ready to go back to work in a couple weeks and Ava is getting bigger every day. She smiles regularly now and nothing brings me more joy than to see her happy little face.

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